As the women leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints prepare for the upcoming general women’s session of general conference, there’s no doubt that the needs of Mormon women from around the world will be on their minds.
Sister Neill F. Marriott, second counselor in the Young Women general presidency, traveled to her home state of Louisiana earlier this month to minister to flood victims.
Many Facebook followers thanked Sister Marriott for traveling to Louisiana to talk with and offer comfort to the volunteers and people whose homes were damaged by the recent record rainfall.
In August, Sister Linda K. Burton, Relief Society general president, was joined by Sister Marriott in a visit to the Caribbean. They went first to Jamaica and then the Dominican Republic on August 12–22, 2016, to provide instruction to Church leaders and meet with members.
Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Sister Marriott meets with a family at their home in Kingston, Jamaica, during a weekend visit. She said the young women she visited in their homes most often discussed the importance of marriage and family. In addition to family visits, the two Church leaders also participated in training with local leaders, Sunday services and an evening inspirational meeting with members.

Monday, August 15, Sister Burton and Sister Marriott headed to Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, to meet with local leaders, participate in panel discussions and attend worship services and devotional meetings with members.

Men and women in the Dominican Republic gathered in large numbers to listen to Sister Burton and Sister Marriott.

Sister Burton greets a group of women in the Dominican Republic.

Women in the Dominican Republic take notes during a meeting.
Sister Burton and Sister Marriott were joined on the trip by their husbands, Craig P. Burton and David C. Marriott. They were also accompanied in many of their meetings by the Caribbean Area Presidency, including Elder Walter F. Gonzalez, Elder Claudio D. Zivic and Elder Hugo E. Martinez.
The Mormon women leaders took part in a special interfaith panel discussion with women from the Catholic Church.

Bishop Victor Massalles, auxiliary bishop of Santo Domingo, offers remarks during the meeting.

Bishop Massalles interacts with Elder Gonzalez and the women leaders during the interfaith event.

The Marriotts visit with Bishop Massalles during a recent visit to the Dominican Republic.

When the women leaders get an opportunity to visit women around the world, they enjoy offering hugs and encouragement and ministering to the sisters one by one.

A woman poses for a picture with Sister Burton at a meeting in the Caribbean.

Sister Burton offers a warm embrace to a woman in the Dominican Republic.

Sister Marriott shares a joyful moment with a group of young women in Santo Domingo.
Women leaders will have an opportunity to speak to sisters of the Church worldwide, ages eight and older, on Saturday, September 24, at 6:00 p.m. Mountain Daylight Time during the general women’s session of 186th Semiannual General Conference. All sessions of general conference will be streamed live on