News Release

In Abu Dhabi, Elder Bednar Promotes Peacemaking at International Conference

The Apostle accepts the Tolerance Award on behalf of the Church of Jesus Christ

At an event in Abu Dhabi focused on empowering youth for a more tolerant future, Elder David A. Bednar taught how The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints strengthens youth through the principles of learning, acting, serving, and becoming. 

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He said one teaching — that all people are our brothers and sisters — is an especially important tool in the development of Latter-day Saint youth. 

“One of the purposes for helping young people learn this principle at a very early age is to help them understand that a specific skin color, nationality, social class, religion or other factors do not make one individual better than or superior to another,” said Elder Bednar, who was one of the keynotes at the Second International Dialogue of Civilizations & Tolerance (IDCT) Conference on February 19, 2025. 

This principle, the Apostle said, “promotes an understanding that all people are equal before God and should therefore be equal before all men and women.” 

As they learn this truth, youth “begin to see all individuals as part of a great human family,” Elder Bednar said. “The application of this principle has fostered greater tolerance and also strengthened our youth to remain true to the fundamental spiritual beliefs that are taught in their homes while at the same time respecting the beliefs of other people.” 

The Church of Jesus Christ also teaches youth to take the initiative in doing good instead of waiting for others to tell them what to do. 

This is reflected, Elder Bednar said, in the 80,000 young men and women who volunteer as missionaries in more than 150 countries, speaking more than 70 languages. 

“Helping our youth to focus on serving and blessing other people instead of just on themselves facilitates the internalization of correct principles in a powerful way,” Elder Bednar said. “Serving is imperative to learning tolerance and compassion.” 

In addition to being a keynote speaker, Elder Bednar received the Tolerance Award on behalf of the Church during the opening ceremony. As the Apostle left the stage, His Excellency Sheikh Nahyan Mubarak Al Nahyan (the organizer of the conference) held his hand — an important symbol that the Sheikh holds Elder Bednar and the Church in high regard. 

“That was humbling,” Elder Bednar said of the Sheikh’s gesture. “I very much appreciated his expression of our friendship in such a public way. I have known Sheikh Nahyan for a number of years. He is very genuine. He is the Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence in the United Arab Emirates. This [conference] reflects an honest desire to bring peace to various parts of the world. I commend them for that effort.”

Afterward, he said the IDCT conference “recognized that we [as a Church] are trying to do what President Nelson has taught,” said Elder Bednar. “We are trying to be peacemakers, and we are trying to promote civility.” 

Elder Bednar concluded his remarks in Abu Dhabi by quoting from President Nelson’s April 2023 remarks about the need for peacemakers. 

“We can literally change the world — one person and one interaction at a time. How? By modeling how to manage honest differences of opinion with mutual respect and dignified dialogue,” President Nelson said. “Let us as a people become a true light on the hill — a light that ‘cannot be hid.’ Let us show that there is a peaceful, respectful way to resolve complex issues and an enlightened way to work out disagreements. … The Lord will magnify your efforts beyond your loftiest imagination.” 

Elder Bednar was joined by his wife, Susan. 

“It was enjoyable for me to watch [Elder Bednar] be the keynote speaker in the conference. I felt like he did a great job representing the Church,” Sister Bednar said. “The visuals and message were great. They were well received, and I think The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is doing such a great work, not only with our own members, but around the world in teaching correct principles.” 

Celebrating With Sikhs

In Dubai on February 17, Elder Bednar participated in a celebration of the decade-long humanitarian collaboration between the Church and the Sikh temple, Guru Nanak Darbar Gurudwara. 

The theme was “A Vision of Harmony.” The cultural extravaganza included Malhaar Centre for Performing Arts dancers and renowned piano phenom Jon Schmidt. 

“It is an honor and a blessing for me to be here with all of you tonight,” Elder Bednar told the gathered guests. 

He first met Dr. Surender Singh Kandhari and his wife, Dr. Bubbles Kandari, the organization’s chair and vice chair, several years ago. The Apostle has developed a close bond with the dynamic husband-and-wife team as they work with the Church to feed the hungry. 

“We serve free food to everybody who walks into the Gurudwara (Sikh temple),” said Dr.  Kandhari. “Whether Christian, Hindu or Muslim, all are welcome.” 

“They feed thousands of people with the belief that it is difficult to worship God on an empty stomach,” added Elder Bednar. 

Dr. Kandhari says they often serve more than 30,000 meals a week. 

“Over the years, we have contributed to that undertaking,” said Elder Bednar. “We are celebrating how it has grown, how many people it has blessed … and we look forward to the next 10 years and beyond continuing this collaboration. The best is yet to come.” 

Other Ministry Stops

Elder and Sister Bednar’s visits to Abu Dhabi and Dubai were part of a multi-nation tour ministering to Church members and leaders across Europe and the Middle East. They also visited Germany (he served as a young missionary in southern Germany), Türkiye, Cyprus and Hungary.

“Any time we have assignments or opportunities that bring us to Germany, I remember and reflect on my service as a young man — a formative and pivotal time in my life,” Elder Bednar said. “I have always loved the German people. To come back for me is a joy — every time.”

“It is always a blessing to be with members of the Church,” Sister Bednar said. “The love that you feel [from them] gives you hope. It brings you peace, and it gives you strength to carry on.”

One of their stops was in Larnaca, a city on the island of Cyprus. It was an opportunity for the modern-day Apostle to reflect on the ministry of the ancient Apostle Paul, who also taught the gospel of Jesus Christ in Cyprus.

“Paul taught, ‘When I am weak, I am strong,’” Elder Bednar said, quoting 2 Corinthians 12:10. “Serving as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve is overwhelming. And certainly, I feel weak. I think I relate to Paul in that regard. When we recognize our own limitations and our own lack of capacity, then we are absolutely, totally dependent on the Lord and His Spirit to to perform our duties. To be in the place where Paul proclaimed the gospel is a remarkable experience.”

Latter-day Saints and friends of the faith gathered to hear the words of the special witness of the name of Jesus Christ, including Maria Zenieri, Xaoyu Wang, and Linda Farrel Mylonas who share a deep bond as pioneer members of the Church on the island. Linda has the distinction as the very first member. Together, they have witnessed the Church grow from a handful of members to nearly 600.

As Elder Bednar spoke to the congregation, he directed a portion of his remarks to those who are not members of the faith. “[The] message [of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints] is the most important message you can ever hear,” the Apostle said. “It is the message of the living and resurrected Jesus Christ, with His Father, appearing to a boy who ultimately became a prophet. And it is through this prophet that the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Church of Jesus Christ were restored to the earth again. We proclaim that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is that Church. And we invite you to come and test this message. Come and find out for yourself.”

He left them with a witness of the divinity of Jesus Christ.

“When the Savior says, ‘I am the way,’ He is the only way whereby we can return to the presence of our Heavenly Father, live with our families for eternity and ultimately become like Them,” Elder Bednar said. “I witness that is true.”

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