Crane operators and construction workers hoisted the 13-foot-6-inch angel Moroni statue to the top of the Meridian Idaho Temple July 20, 2016.

Standing atop many temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the angel Moroni, an ancient prophet in the Book of Mormon. The statue is not a figure of worship, but rather symbolizes his role in the Restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Although not required, this iconic symbol of the Church stands high at the top of most of the 150 temples worldwide.

As a small crowd of onlookers watched, crane operators hooked the statue up, pulled it out of the crate and hoisted the gold-leafed statue skyward.
A close-up of the angel Moroni shows detail of his face, wavy hair, horn and its mouthpiece, all covered with gold leafing.

Placement of the angel Moroni is one of the early visible highlights of the construction period of a temple. There is no formal ceremony attached to the statue’s placement.

The statue of angel Moroni is hoisted slowly to the top of the Meridian Temple.
Workers in the basket above the temple guide the statue into place. Still tethered to the cable of the crane, the angel Moroni is secured in place.

The Meridian Temple was announced at the Church’s April 2011 general conference. The temple is located at 7345 North Linder Road, a few blocks north of the intersection of North Linder Road and Chinden Blvd.

Once the sacred building is complete, the Church will invite the public to tour the temple prior to its dedication.
Latter-day Saint temples provide a place where Church members make formal promises and commitments to God and where the highest sacraments of the faith occur, such as the marriage of couples for eternity. Temples differ from the thousands of local meetinghouses where members typically meet for Sunday worship services and midweek social activities.