The global leadership of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is once again gathering (in person for those at Church headquarters and digitally for the rest of the world) for instruction prior to general conference.
On Thursday, April 1, 2021, some 300 General Authorities, General Officers and Area Seventies heard messages from the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, this is the first time these leaders have gathered for a general conference leadership meeting since April 2019. The meeting originated from the Church Office Building auditorium on Temple Square in Salt Lake City.
A summary of what Church leaders taught Thursday morning is below.
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Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Prior to the messages from Church leaders, Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles read the names of 77 new Area Seventies. President Russell M. Nelson then called for a sustaining vote for these new leaders. (See the list below of these new leaders, arranged by quorum.)
This is the first time Area Seventies have been introduced for a sustaining vote in a leadership meeting of general conference. Previously, the vote was usually done on the Saturday of general conference weekend. These new Area Seventies will also be sustained as a group during general conference. This new approach continues to fulfill the law of common consent as described in section 42 of the Doctrine and Covenants: “It shall not be given to any one to go forth to preach my gospel, or to build up my church, except he be ordained by some one who has authority, and it is known to the church that he has authority and has been regularly ordained by the heads of the church.”
The Church has 12 quorums of the Seventy. The first two quorums are comprised of General Authority Seventies, who have authority to serve anywhere in the world. The third through twelfth quorums are Area Seventies. Under the direction of the Presidency of the Seventy, Area Seventies meet with and teach Church leaders, missionaries and members of the Church in local congregations. The authority of Area Seventies is generally limited to the area where they serve.

Elder D. Todd Christofferson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles reads the names of 77 new Area Seventies at a leadership meeting at the Church Office Building auditorium on Thursday, April 1, 2021.2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Highlights from the Leadership Meeting Messages
Church President Russell M. Nelson
The prophet shared lessons he has learned during his three years as president of the Church. In his first two years, when he and his wife, Wendy, visited every populated continent, he said they learned from the faith of Latter-day Saints around the globe. During the pandemic, he said, “we learned that we do not have to get on airplanes for our testimonies to encircle the globe.” In fact, he said, the words of Church leaders “reached an unprecedented number of people in the year 2020. Our general conferences last year had a greater global reach than ever before.”
President Nelson said he has learned that the Church’s emphasis on a home-centered, Church-supported curriculum is bearing fruit. He honored those parents who in the past year “have stepped up and have taken steps to shape their homes as their primary sanctuaries of faith.”
“The strength of the Church lies in the solid and ever-growing testimonies of its members. And the home is where those kinds of testimonies are best cultivated,” he said.
The prophet expressed gratitude for what is happening with temples at a time when their operation is limited. “Names of ancestors are being prepared for the day when temples will again be open for vicarious work to be done,” he said. “And we have not stopped building temples. In the year 2020, we broke ground for 21 new temples, and 41 temple-building projects are currently underway.”
The Church president also noted the growth in the faith’s humanitarian efforts in 2020. “The global pandemic has prompted us to make the largest outpouring of assistance that we have ever given. Contributions of time, money and personal service have been offered in a spirit of generosity and love for those in need in 152 countries,” he said.
President Nelson said he now understands better “what [God] meant when He said, ‘Behold, I will hasten my work in its time’ (Doctrine and Covenants 88:73). That is happening right now, right before our eyes.” Divine intervention, he said, is helping the Church take root everywhere. “As members of the First Presidency, we bear witness to the truth that the living Lord is at the helm of His living Church. The Restoration truly is ongoing.”

On Thursday, April 1, 2021, some 300 General Authorities, General Officers and Area Seventies heard messages from the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. The gathering was in person at the Church Office Building for those at Church headquarters and digitally for the rest of the world (some of whom are shown on the screen in this image).2021 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.President Dallin H. Oaks, First Counselor in the First Presidency
President Oaks spoke about leadership. He quoted extensively from two sources: One, a talk former Church President Spencer W. Kimball (1895–1985) gave in 1977 about the leadership qualities of Jesus Christ; and two, the Church’s General Handbook.
A couple of the quotations he shared from President Kimball include:
- “Because [Jesus] loved others with a perfect love, he listened [to them] without being condescending.…Because Jesus loved his followers, he was able to level with them, to be candid and forthright with them.…This permitted him to condemn the sin without condemning the individual.”
- “Jesus trusts his followers enough to share his work with them so that they can grow. That is one of the greatest lessons of ... leadership. If we brush other people aside in order to see a task done more quickly and effectively, the task may get done all right, but without the growth and development in followers that is so important.”
And below are only some excerpts President Oaks read from the handbook chapter on leadership:
- 4.2.3: “Through your words and actions, teach doctrine of Jesus Christ and the principles of His gospel” (see 3 Nephi 11:32–33; Doctrine and Covenants 42:12–14).
- 4.3: “Your success as a leader is measured primarily by your commitment to helping God’s children become faithful disciples of Jesus Christ.”
President Henry B. Eyring, Second Counselor in the First Presidency
President Eyring focused on the importance of the personal revelation that each Church leader can receive for his or her particular assignment.
“As servants of the Lord in His Church, we have a great trust,” President Eyring said. “It is that we will live worthy of the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost and have faith to follow the prophet. Then we can know by inspiration how to encourage those we lead to apply His counsel.”
President Eyring said he knows this is and always will be difficult. So he concluded with words of encouragement. “Whatever the directions from the Lord through His prophet will be this week [during general conference], I pray that each of us will listen to the words of the Lord and act as His servants to lift others through our inspiration to choose to follow the prophet. Then we will feel joy in someday hearing from our Savior the tribute we long to hear: ‘Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord’ (Matthew 25:21).”
President M. Russell Ballard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles
President Ballard said that more than half of adult Latter-day Saints are widowed, divorced or have never married. “Some wonder about their opportunities and place in the eternal plan and in the Savior’s Church,” he said. “We remind all that eternal life is not simply a question of current marital status but of discipleship, that is, being ‘valiant in the testimony of Jesus’ (Doctrine and Covenants 76:79).”
As was announced in an update to the General Handbook on March 31, 2021, President Ballard said that singles in the Church now have more ways to serve in their congregations around the globe.
“Marital status has nothing to do with one’s capacity to serve and bless the lives of others. The Lord honors those who wait upon Him in patience and faith,” President Ballard said. “We can do better at providing opportunities for our single members to serve. I am not talking about creating service projects, although those are important. I am talking about giving them significant callings, including leadership callings. Single members are just as capable as married members. There are only a few callings, such as stake president and bishop, that are specified only for married members. The restriction of having only married men serve as counselors in bishoprics and stake presidencies in young single adult wards and stakes has been removed.” These prior restrictions existed only in single adult and young single adult wards and stakes. In all other congregations, there were no such limitations.
“Don’t worry about their age either,” he added. “I am 92. I am glad I was not released from my calling as Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles because of my age or at the death of my wife. I love my Savior Jesus Christ, and I love helping to build up His Church. Most members feel the same way. This gives us hope in Christ and a feeling of belonging.”
The Apostle also shared five doctrinal assurances that Church leaders can use to help single adults in their midst.
- “The scriptures and declarations of latter-day prophets confirm that every person who is faithful in the gospel covenant will have the opportunity for exaltation.”
- “The precise times and manner in which the blessings of exaltation are bestowed upon every faithful person have not all been revealed, but they are nonetheless assured.”
- “Waiting upon the Lord implies continued obedience and spiritual progress.”
- “God offers eternal life to all of His children. All those who accept the Lord Jesus Christ’s gracious gift of repentance and strive to be obedient to His commandments will qualify for eternal life.”
- “Our confidence in these assurances is rooted in our faith in Jesus Christ by whose grace all things pertaining to mortality are set right.”
2021 New Area Seventies by Quorum
Third Quorum, which includes the Africa Central, Africa South, and Africa West Areas:
Samuel Annan-Simons, 45, Kasoa, Ghana; temple assistant recorder, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; currently serving as president of the Accra Ghana Kasoa Stake; former bishop, bishopric member, and high councilor; wife: Gertrude; four children.
Patrick Appianti-Sarpong, 35, Accra, Ghana; currently serving as president of the Nigeria Ibadan Mission; former bishop and bishopric member; wife: Elizabeth; three children.
Frederick M. Kamya, 59, Kampala, Uganda; managing director, Horizon Lines Ltd.; currently serving as president of the Kampala Uganda South Stake; former bishop, branch president, district presidency member, and district president; wife: Stella; six children.
Gaëtan Kelounou, 46, Brazzaville, Republic of the Congo; coordinator, Seminaries and Institutes of Religion; currently serving as counselor in the Republic of Congo Brazzaville Mission presidency; former bishop, high councilor, mission presidency member, and stake presidency member; wife: Cornelie; eight children.
Enefiok Ntemm, 63, Ewet, Nigeria; lawyer, private practice; currently serving as president of the Uyo Nigeria Stake; former branch president, district presidency member, and stake presidency member; wife: Joan; two children.
Charles O. Oide, 47, Benin City, Nigeria; assistant chief accountant, High Court of Justice; currently serving as president of the Benin City Nigeria Ugbowo Stake; former bishop and stake presidency member; wife: Osahenigharu; one child.
Fourth Quorum, which includes the Asia and Asia North Areas:
Ross A. Chiles, 56, Canada; currently serving as president of the Vietnam Hanoi Mission; former bishop, bishopric member, and stake presidency member; wife: Carrie; six children.
John Gutty, 45, Telangana, India; regional Welfare and Self-Reliance Services manager, Asia Area; currently serving as president of the Hyderabad India Stake; former branch president and district presidency member; wife: Sudha; two children.
Yuichi Imai, 61, Takahashi City, Japan; president, STRAWB Inc.; currently serving as president of the Okayama Japan Stake; former bishop and high councilor; wife: Makiko; three children.
Dong Hwan Jeong, 55, Geumcheon-Gu, South Korea; human resources manager, Asia North Area; recently released as president of the Korea Busan Mission; former bishop, high councilor, mission presidency member, mission president, and stake president; wife: Jung Suk; three children.
Fifth Quorum, which includes the Brazil Area:
Marcelo Andrezzo, 56, Joinville, Brazil; state tax official, State of Santa Catarina; currently serving as bishop of the Joinville 1st Ward; former bishop, high councilor, mission president, stake mission president, stake presidency member, and stake president; wife: Solange; three children.
Moroni Costa, 41, São Paulo, Brazil; lawyer, Bichara Advogados; currently serving as elders quorum president of the Portal do Morumbi Ward; former bishop and stake presidency member; wife: Raquel; three children.
Odair Jose Castro de Lira, 45, Brazil, entrepreneur (property), self-employed; currently serving as president of the Santarém Brazil Stake; former branch president, district presidency member, and district president; wife: Edileude; three children.
Alexandre Ret, 46, São Paulo, Brazil; owner/partner, Formula (Armored Car Company); currently serving as president of the São Paulo Brazil Stake; former bishop, bishopric member, and stake presidency member; wife: Natalia Cuellar; four children.
Sixth Quorum, which includes the Caribbean, Central America, and Mexico Areas:
Gregorio E. Casillas, 45, Tijuana, Mexico; currently serving as president of the México México City South Mission; former bishop, bishopric member, and stake president; wife: Alma; three children.
Ranulfo Cervantes, 45, Ocoyoacac, Mexico; area MLU manager, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; currently serving as Area Seventy executive secretary; former bishop, high councilor, and stake president; wife: Irais; three children.
Félix Conde, 60, Mérida, Mexico; human resources manager, Mexico Area Office; currently serving as institute teacher in the México City Culturas Stake; former bishop, bishopric member, high councilor, mission president, stake presidency member, and stake president; wife: Elda Alicia; three children.
Tomás Familia, 49, La Romana, Dominican Republic; system engineer, Hair Palace Company (self-employed); recently released as bishop of the Benjamín Ward; former bishop, branch president, district president, and stake president; wife: Zeneida; five children.
Bruce H. Ixcot, 41, Quetzaltenango, Guatemala; general manager/owner, Bruce & Company paint store; currently serving as Sunday School teacher in the Minerva Ward; former bishop, bishopric member, high councilor, and stake president; wife: Claudia; six children.
Paul H. Jean Baptiste, 44, Pétion Ville, Haiti; owner, commodity and transportation business; currently serving as Audit Committee chairman of the Port-au-Prince Haiti North Stake; former bishop and stake presidency member; wife: Wildermina; five children.
Julio E. Lee, 57, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; Caribbean commercial manager, UPL Centroamérica; currently serving as counselor in the Santo Domingo Dominican Republic Central Stake presidency; former bishop, bishopric member, stake presidency member, and stake president; wife: Cindi Marie; two children.
R. Darío Lorenzana, 54, Guatemala City, Guatemala; national director, Mentors International; currently serving as family history consultant in the Guatemala City Palmita Stake; former branch president, high councilor, mission presidency member, mission president, stake presidency member, and stake president; wife: Gloria; two children.
Héctor Méndez, 47, Jesus Maria, Mexico; director of operations, World Emblem; currently serving as high councilor in the Aguascalientes México Stake; former bishop and stake presidency member; wife: Verónica; three children.
Russell A. Robinson, 61, Nuevo Casas Grandes, Mexico; currently serving as president of the México Tampico Mission; former bishop, bishopric member, high councilor, and stake presidency member; wife: Kelly; eight children.
Raul Tapia, 48, San Nicolas de Los Garza, Mexico; institute director, Seminaries and Institutes of Religion; currently serving as counselor in the México Monterrey West Mission presidency; former bishop, high councilor, stake presidency member, and stake president; wife: Laura; five children.
Carlos Torres, 57, Padierna, Mexico; urology surgeon, private practice; currently serving as adviser for temple and family history in the Mexico Area Family History Office; former bishop and stake president; wife: Marisol; three children.
Bruno E. Vásquez, 57, Managua, Nicaragua; coordinator, Seminaries and Institutes of Religion; currently serving as counselor in the Managua Nicaragua Universitaria Stake presidency; former bishop, branch president, mission president, stake presidency member, and stake president; wife: Brenda; four children.
Seventh Quorum, which includes the Europe, Europe East, and Middle East/Africa North Areas:
Erik Bernskov, 59, Jyllinge, Denmark; senior recruitment consultant, Hartmanns; currently serving as FSY session administrator; former bishop, bishopric member, high councilor, and stake president; wife: Anne; four children.
Oleksiy H. Hakalenko, 36, Kyiv, Ukraine; area Welfare and Self-Reliance Services manager, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; currently serving as bishop of the Borschahivskyi Ward; former high councilor; wife: Olga; two children.
Franck A. Poznanski, 57, Rives du Loir en Anjou, France; area director, Seminaries and Institutes of Religion; currently serving as youth conference leader in the Rennes France Stake; former bishop, branch president, high councilor, mission presidency member, mission president, and stake presidency member; wife: Véronique; five children.
Eighth Quorum, which includes the Pacific and Philippines Areas:
Eduardo M. Argana, 57, Muntinlupa City, Philippines; finance and record supervisor, Philippines Area Office; recently released as president of the Philippines Tacloban Mission; former bishop, bishopric member, mission president, and stake presidency member; wife: Cecilia; four children.
Benjamin Cinco, 45, Capoocan, Philippines; managing director, Rise and Rebuild International Foundation; currently serving as institute supervisor in the Carigara Philippines Stake; former branch presidency member and district president; wife: Jinky; five children.
Ernesto A. Deyro Jr., 61, Pasig City, Philippines; coordinator, Seminaries and Institutes of Religion; currently serving as FSY session director in the Bacolod Philippines North Stake; former bishop, branch president, district president, mission presidency member, mission president, and stake presidency member; wife: Cristina; five children.
Bartolome Madriaga, 53, Zamboanga City, Philippines; computer maintenance technologist III, Zamboanga City Medical Center; currently serving as elders quorum president of the Tugbungan Ward; former bishop, bishopric member, high councilor, and stake president; wife: Jean; two children.
Damon Page, 47, Croydon Hills, Australia; chief financial officer, ARB Corporation; currently serving as ward young single adult adviser in the Mooroolbark Ward; former bishop, bishopric member, high councilor, and stake president; wife: Alithea; four children.
Frédéric T. Riemer, 53, Papeete, French Polynesia; leader and member support coordinator, director of temporal affairs, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; recently released as president of the Tahiti Papeete Mission; former bishop, high councilor, mission president, stake presidency member, and stake president; wife: Jenny; five children.
Robert H. Simpson, 63, Casula, Australia; director and certified public accountant, RM Financial Services; currently serving as institute teacher in the Liverpool Australia Stake; former bishop, bishopric member, mission presidency member, mission president, stake presidency member, and stake president; wife: Jinny; seven children.
Martiniano S. Soquila Jr., 49, Mapandan, Philippines; manager of component engineering, product materials compliance, and business continuity management, Emerson Electric (Asia) Ltd. – ROHQ; currently serving as president of the Pasig Philippines Stake; former bishop, bishopric member, high councilor, and stake presidency member; wife: Lourdes; three children.
Ninth Quorum, which includes the South America Northwest and South America South Areas:
Juan P. Casco, 47, Los Hornos, Argentina; professor of communications and journalism, National University of La Plata; currently serving as president of the La Plata Argentina South Stake; former bishop, bishopric member, and high councilor; wife: Veronica Gabriela; three children.
Leandro J. Curaba, 39, Rosario, Argentina; violin professor, Music Conservatory of Rosario; currently serving as president of the Rosario Argentina West Stake; former high councilor and stake presidency member; wife: Jazmin; two children.
Enrique M. Loo, 44, Lima, Peru, institute director, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; currently serving as counselor in the Perú Limatambo Mission presidency; former high councilor, stake presidency member, and stake president; wife: Yesenia; four children.
Hernán D. Lucero, 41, San Luis, Argentina; treasury management, Supervielle Bank; currently serving as president of the San Luis Argentina Stake; former bishop and stake presidency member; wife: Patricia; three children.
Ricardo J. Nieves, 49, Quito, Ecuador; master coach for business leaders, self-employed; currently serving as institute teacher in the Quito Ecuador Turubamba Stake; former bishop, bishopric member, high councilor, and stake presidency member; wife: Patricia; three children.
Lorenzo E. Norambuena, 41, Santiago, Chile; chief executive officer, Glow Chile S.p.A.; currently serving as president of the Santiago Chile La Cisterna Stake; former bishop and stake presidency member; wife: Carolina; three children.
Juan L. Orquera, 52, Buenos Aires, Argentina; owner/chief executive officer, CBSé (self-employed); recently released as president of the Argentina Salta Mission; former bishop, bishopric member, mission president, stake presidency member, and stake president; wife: Silvina; two children.
Roberto C. Pacheco, 45, La Molina, Peru; region director, Seminaries and Institutes of Religion; currently serving as high councilor in the Lima Perú Mayorazgo Stake; former bishopric member, high councilor, stake presidency member, and stake president; wife: Elizabeth; six children.
Leonardo S. Rojas, 50, Puente Alto, Chile; regional director, Seminaries and Institutes of Religion; currently serving as elders quorum president of the El Labrador Ward; former bishop, bishopric member, mission presidency member, stake presidency member, and stake president; wife: Andrea; three children.
Victor H. Suazo, 43, Santiago, Chile; coordinator, Seminaries and Institutes of Religion; currently serving as president of the Santiago Chile Huelen Stake; former bishop, bishopric member, and high councilor; wife: Johanna Ureta; four children.
Tenth Quorum, which includes the North America Central, North America Northeast, and North America Southeast Areas:
Daniel P. Amato, 44, Windermere, Florida; founder, ATIVY Cloud Computing; currently serving as Temple Preparation teacher; former bishop and mission president; wife: Fernanda; four children.
Rodney A. Ames, 54, Liberty, Missouri; attorney/partner, Withers, Brant, Igoe & Mullennix, P.C.; currently serving as ward Sunday School president; former bishop, bishopric member, high councilor, mission president, and stake presidency member; wife: Kimberlee; four children.
Fernando R. Castro, 57, Rexburg, Idaho; faculty, Brigham Young University–Idaho; currently serving as president of the Rexburg Idaho Married Student 1st Stake; former bishop, bishopric member, district presidency member, high councilor, mission president, and stake presidency member; wife: Nora; four children.
Corbin E. Coombs, 56, Schaumburg, Illinois; director of sourcing operations, AT&T – Global Connections Management; currently serving as president of the Schaumburg Illinois Stake; former bishop, bishopric member, high councilor, and stake mission presidency member; wife: Margo; four children.
Michael D. Groll, 54, Winchester, Virginia; managing director, Franklin Covey; currently serving as president of the Winchester Virginia Stake; former bishop, bishopric member, high councilor, and stake presidency member; wife: Tanya Joy; eight children.
David S. Kinard, 54, Fishers, Indiana; executive vice president, Human Resources, Corporate Affairs & Administration, Elanco Animal Health; currently serving as president of the Indianapolis Indiana North Stake; former bishop, bishopric member, high councilor, and stake presidency member; wife: Heather; four children.
Quinn S. Millington, 56, Pike Road, Alabama; owner, EMG Solutions; currently serving as president of the Montgomery Alabama Stake; former bishopric member, branch president, and high councilor; wife: Kathleen; three children;
T. Michael Price, 58, Gibsonia, Pennsylvania; chief executive officer, First Commonwealth Financial Corporation; currently serving as service mission leader in the Pittsburgh Coordinating Council; former bishopric member, high councilor, and stake president; wife: Heather Kay; five children.
Richard G. Youngblood, 60, Signal Mountain, Tennessee; consultant, self-employed; currently serving as Sunday School teacher in the Signal Mountain Branch; former bishop, high councilor, mission president, and stake president; wife: Kathy; four children.
Eleventh Quorum, which includes the North America Southwest and North America West Areas:
Jonathan G. Cannon, 57, Flower Mound, Texas; manager/partner, Vail Pass Group; currently serving as president of the Lewisville Texas Stake; former bishop, bishopric member, high councilor, and stake presidency member; wife: Diane; four children.
David C. Clark, 63, Carlsbad, California; CEO/founder, Energy Efficiency Inc.; currently serving as president of the Del Mar California Stake; former bishop, branch president, high councilor, mission president, and stake presidency member; wife: Wendy; five children.
Jorge A. Contreras, 61, Pflugerville, Texas; human resources director, Advance Auto Parts; currently serving as high councilor in the Austin Texas Stake; former bishop, bishopric member, mission presidency member, stake presidency member, and stake president; wife: Ana; five children.
B. Corey Cuvelier, 52, Katy, Texas; director of U.S. retail operations, Shell Oil Company; currently serving as high councilor in the Katy Texas Stake; former bishop, bishopric member, high councilor, mission president, stake presidency member, and stake president; wife: Wendi; four children.
Tommy D. Haws, 52, Gallup, New Mexico; senior vice president, Pinnacle Bank New Mexico; currently serving as president of the Gallup New Mexico Stake; former bishop and stake presidency member; wife: Eileen Kay; four children.
Levi W. Heath, 46, Los Angeles, California; partner/attorney, DLA Piper LLP (US); currently serving as president of the Los Angeles California Santa Monica Stake; former bishop, bishopric member, and high councilor; wife: Jennifer Robin; five children.
Brian J. Holmes, 43, Gilbert, Arizona; partner, Holmes Way Schwab, PLC; recently released as president of the Gilbert Arizona Seville Stake; former bishop, high councilor, and stake president; wife: Maggie; six children.
Hal C. Hunsaker, 48, Wenatchee, Washington; president/co-founder/speech therapist, Achieve Centers; currently serving as temple ordinance worker; former bishop, high councilor, and stake president; wife: Traci; seven children.
Douglas P. Maxfield, 51, Tracy, California; senior client partner, Korn Ferry; currently serving as president of the Manteca California Stake; former bishop, high councilor, and stake presidency member; wife: Jennifer; four children.
Steven C. Merrell, 58, Monterey, California; founder/partner, Monterey Private Wealth; currently serving as counselor in the California San Jose Mission presidency; former bishop, high councilor, mission presidency member, stake presidency member, and stake president; wife: Jeanne; six children.
Siegfried A. Naumann, 52, Gig Harbor, Washington; area mission specialist, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; recently released as counselor in the Gig Harbor Washington Stake presidency; former bishop, bishopric member, branch presidency member, high councilor, mission president, and stake presidency member; wife: Riitta; four children.
Douglas A. Rozsa, 59, Hacienda Heights, California; partner, FiSol DVO; currently serving as temple and family history leader in the Turnbull Canyon Ward; former bishop, bishopric member, high councilor, mission presidency member, stake mission presidency member, and stake president; wife: Melissa; six children.
Lee M. Shumway, 59, Taylor, Arizona; recently released as president of the Guatemala Guatemala City Mission; former bishop, bishopric member, high councilor, mission presidency member, mission president, and stake president; wife: Becky; five children.
M. Travis Wolsey, 49, Delta, Canada; physical therapist; currently serving as president of the Surrey British Columbia Stake; former bishop; wife: Christine Marie; three children.
Twelfth Quorum, which includes the Utah Area:
Steven C. Barlow, 52, Bountiful, Utah; cofounder, Health Catalyst; currently serving as self-reliance specialist of the Mueller Park 7th Ward; former bishop, high councilor, mission president, and stake presidency member; wife: Christina; five children.
Mark E. Bonham, 61, Highland, Utah, corporate attorney/partner, Stoel Rives LLP; recently released as president of the 34th MTC Branch; former bishop, bishopric member, branch president, high councilor, mission president, and stake presidency member; wife: Kelly; five children.
K. Bruce Boucher, 61, Holladay, Utah; president, Roos Advisors; currently serving as president of the Murray Utah YSA Stake; former bishop, bishopric member, high councilor, and mission president; wife: Becky; four children.
Thomas K. Checketts, 51, Layton, Utah; real estate and eminent domain attorney/shareholder Kirton McConkie; currently serving as teachers quorum specialist in the Summerhaze Ward; former bishop, bishopric member, high councilor, and stake president; wife: Lynette; eight children.
J. Kimo Esplin, 58, Cottonwood Heights, Utah; board member, Savage Companies; currently serving as president of the Japan Tokyo South Mission; former bishop, bishopric member, high councilor, mission president, stake mission president, and stake president; wife: Kaye; eight children.
Vance K. Smith, 50, Cedar City, Utah; president, Leavitt Group Enterprises, Inc.; currently serving as president of the Cedar City Utah Cross Hollow Stake; former bishop, bishopric member, and high councilor; wife: Carrie; five children.