In response to recent media inquiries about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' donations and support of community efforts related to suicide, bullying, and homelessness, the Church has provided the following statement:
We remain committed to support community efforts throughout the world to prevent suicide, bullying, and homelessness. Every young person should feel loved and cared for in their families, their communities, and their congregations. We can come together, bringing our perspectives and beliefs, and make each community a safe place for all.
God’s message is one of hope, and we want our LGBT brothers and sisters to know that they are loved, valued, and needed in His Church.
So much good can be done when a community comes together to address important issues. We appreciate the sincere efforts of many who are trying to prevent suicide, bullying, and homelessness among vulnerable groups, including LGBT youth. We are grateful to be a part of the work to find solutions.