News Release

Elder David A. Bednar Concludes His Ministry in Peru and Ecuador

The Apostle ministered to Saints, missionaries and strengthened relationships with humanitarian and government leaders

Elder David A. Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has concluded a 10-day ministry in Peru and Ecuador. He was joined throughout by his wife, Susan.

Together, they bolstered bonds with humanitarian and government leaders and ministered to individuals and families.

Humanitarian and Government Outreach

“I find it especially enjoyable to visit with government leaders,” Elder Bednar said. “Many times they do not have a complete understanding of who we are. I love to respond to their questions and help them see that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a global faith. It’s interesting to see their surprise to know how we can then collaborate and work together.”

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In both countries, Elder Bednar strengthened relationships with these leaders. In Lima and Guayaquil, he participated in news events where a US$1.6 million donation from the Church of Jesus Christ to the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) was announced. This is a global humanitarian organization operated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

“Some would say, ‘But there is so much to do.’ You hear from them, ‘What you do makes no difference,’” Elder Bednar said. “No, we cannot do everything that needs to be done. But it would be a sin of omission if we did not do what we can.”

Nahomy Faubla Cevallos, director of ADRA Ecuador, said, “I believe that this collaboration allows us to serve. Service is the reflection of love in action, and we both believe that God is love.”

In Peru, Elder Bednar discussed the forthcoming Huancayo Peru Temple with officials in that city.

“We will be constructing a temple here in Huancayo,” the Apostle told Huancayo’s Municipality General Manager Christian Enrique Velita Espinosa on August 23, 2024. “The ‘Casa del Senor’ [written on the outside of the house] refers to the Lord Jesus Christ. It is His house.”

In both Huancayo and Urubamba, Peru, Elder Bednar's visit was the first time a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles had ministered.

Velita presented Elder Bednar with a key to the city, and Elder Bednar gifted Velita a copy of the Book of Mormon. Elder Jorge T. Becerra of the South America Northwest Area Presidency spoke about how the Book of Mormon includes a record of how the Savior had come to the American continent.

In Ecuador on Thursday, August 29, Elder Bednar met with Governor Vicente Auad and Planning Minister Sariha Moya. They discussed the familiarity and strength of the Church in Ecuador.

The Church of Jesus Christ is working with various organizations to help people in Ecuador. These projects are providing wheelchairs, food, water, and support to young mothers and migrants.

“The Church is well established in these countries, and the Church has a strong, positive reputation,” Elder Bednar said. “We are not going in for the first time to say, ‘This is who we are.’ We are able to emphasize the things we have done to work together in the past. Let us strengthen that as we go forward.”

Ministry to the Saints

Elder Bednar’s ministry to Latter-day Saints in Peru included important messages of faith, repentance, and discipleship. He gave a significant address on August 26, 2024, at the Seminario Sudamericano (or Latter-day Saint South American Seminar), organized by the Roble del Sur Foundation in Lima.

Elder Bednar encouraged the group to be known for their integrity and commitment to discipleship. He highlighted the significance of living with honesty and being true to one’s values in both personal and professional settings.

“We have the responsibility to become the light that shines in a world that seems to be growing darker,” Elder Bednar said at the seminar. “We should be the happiest of all people because of what we know about who we are and why we are here.”

And at a stake conference on August 25 in Huancayo, Elder Bednar emphasized the power of covenants and the transformative nature of repentance.

“Fill your life with discipleship, not darkness,” Elder Bednar said. “If you need to repent, do it now. Do not procrastinate the day of your repentance. And when the house of the Lord has been dedicated here in Huancayo, you will know why to go — to make sacred covenants with Heavenly Father and His Son that will arm you with righteousness and with the power of God in great glory.”

In the two countries, Elder and Sister Bednar spoke to nearly 1,000 missionaries and scores of young single adults, married couples and the general Church membership.

Sister Bednar said it is a privilege to minister to women wherever they go.

“They are just remarkable women of honor and strength and goodness,” Sister Bednar said. “And that all comes from the sacrifice of our Savior Jesus Christ, and the strength of the Lord to know that they can do all things.”

Elder Bednar, who has served as an Apostle for nearly 20 years, said his and Sister Bednar's many travels show him the universality of Christ’s gospel.

“Every trip always is linked to all of our other visits to places around the world,” the Apostle said. “We are remarkably blessed as a couple to see the influence of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ in this part of the world on this trip, and all over the world on an ongoing basis. It fills me with such gratitude for what we have, what we know, and what it helps us to do and become.”

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