The First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has announced the groundbreaking for the Feather River California Temple will take place July 18, 2020.

Feather River California Temple
A rendering of the Feather River California Temple2019 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Attendance at the site will be by invitation only. Elder Scott D. Whiting of the North America West Area Presidency will preside. Additional details will be communicated to local Latter-day Saint as the groundbreaking date approaches.
President Russell M. Nelson first announced this temple (California’s eighth) in October 2018. This house of the Lord will be built at 1470 Butte House Road in Yuba City, California. Plans call for a temple of just over 38,000 square feet, as well as a new meetinghouse and distribution center to be built next to the temple.
The other seven temples in California are in Fresno, Los Angeles, Newport Beach, Oakland, Redlands, Sacramento and San Diego.
Temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints differ from meetinghouses or chapels where members meet for Sunday worship services. Inside each temple, Jesus Christ’s teachings are reaffirmed through baptism and other ordinances that unite families for eternity. Church members learn more about the purpose of life and make covenants to follow Jesus Christ and serve their fellow man.