Their cleanup efforts — challenged by flooded streets, power outages, unreliable cell phone service and other obstacles — are just the beginning of what is expected to be several weeks worth of response efforts.
While high winds can create major damage in hurricanes, this particular storm also had excessive storm surge and rain — causing rivers, canals and lakes to swell, which damaged roadways, bridges, buildings and property.
Sections of Interstate 75 in Florida were under water on Saturday, meaning some Church members had to travel farther out of their way to go south to the areas in most need of help and cleanup.
“Our hearts go out to those who have lost so much, in some cases literally everything, as a result of Hurricane Ian,” said Elder Victor P. Patrick, Area Seventy. “Our service feels like a small sacrifice compared to what our neighbors have suffered.”Members of the Naples Florida Stake gathered early Saturday morning before general conference to work in Fort Meyers, which was one of the hardest-hit areas. They filled work assignments at homes and delivered water bottles and hygiene kits.

Members of the Naples Florida Stake remove fallen trees in Fort Meyers, Florida, after Hurricane Ian on October 1, 2022. Photo by Frank Fernandez, courtesy of Church News. All rights reserved.
The stake’s assistant communication director, Natalie Rodriguez, made one of those donations to Lutheran Services Florida — Comprehensive Refugee Services.
“The neighboring Lutheran church were in desperate need of water and hygiene kits. We were able to gladly accommodate their request,” Rodriguez said.
Crews removed debris and tree branches, repaired rain gutters and mopped out homes.
“Seeing the light of renewed hope and heartfelt appreciation in so many eyes is its own reward,” said Elder Patrick. “These disaster response efforts — by ourselves and so many others — reflect the Savior’s call to love our neighbors as ourselves.”

Natalie Rodriguez of the Naples Florida Stake makes a donation of water bottles and hygiene kits to Lutheran Services Florida — Comprehensive Refugee Services on October 1, 2022, in Fort Meyers, Florida, after Hurricane Ian. Photo by Frank Fernandez, courtesy of Church News.All rights reserved.Local leaders will continue to ascertain needs in what is expected to be several weeks worth of response efforts. The Church has invited other faiths to work with them.
Community volunteers looking for ways to help in the area can check to find projects listed by organizations in need.

Members of the Naples Florida Stake remove fallen trees in Fort Meyers, Florida, after Hurricane Ian on October 1, 2022. Photo by Frank Fernandez, courtesy of Church News.All rights reserved.Other Impacts
When the hurricane hit, a Church spokesman confirmed all missionaries in the Florida Fort Lauderdale Mission and Florida Tampa Mission were safe and accounted for.
When Hurricane Ian left Florida, it traveled up the southeastern coast of the U.S., affecting South Carolina and North Carolina.
Elder Matthew S. Harding, Area Seventy, told the Church News that all the missionaries were safe and accounted for in both South Carolina and North Carolina. Those missionaries that had moved inland for the storm have since returned to their areas.
Elder Harding reported that there was only a limited impact upon communities and members. Some Church buildings had minor flooding or wind damage that will be repaired, he said.