Newsroom features stories from its more than 80 international Newsroom websites as well as from those in the United States to share what members and leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are doing to better serve their communities throughout the world
El Salvador: Latter-day Saints Prepare Hospital Space for Dormitories
A call for help has been answered by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to clean the cellar of the Zacamil Hospital. The aim of the project is to prepare the area as temporary dormitories to accommodate parents whose children are admitted to the hospital.

Dr. Yanira Zepeda, hospital director, told the Latter-day Saints, “We appreciate your prompt response to help our hospital. Your help is invaluable. Our Lord will know how to reward you for this work of love.”

Read more about the El Salvador Newsroom website (Spanish).
Philippines: Church Recognized During National Family Week
The National Committee on the Filipino Family (NCFF) honored the Church of Jesus Christ for its continued support of promoting, building and strengthening families.

The Philippines Newsroom website includes more information on the honor.
South Africa: More than 10,000 Hours of Service Contributed on All-Africa Helping Hands Day
Members of the Church and their friends in the Africa Southeast Area came together for the annual All-Africa Helping Hands Day this year.

The types of service rendered involved giving blood, cleaning, painting the exterior of a local hospital, helping to distribute hearing aids, hosting a car wash, gathering food for people in need and that’s not all.

Read what was accomplished on the South Africa Newsroom website.
Jamaica: Healthy Coastlines, Healthy Ocean and Fresh AirLatter-day Saints in Jamaica once again participated in the annual International Coastal Clean-up (ICC) Day organized by the Jamaica Environment Trust (JET).
More than 50 volunteers and visitors returned to the same beach they cleaned the previous year, the Kingston Harbour, one of the largest natural harbors in the world.
Go to the Jamaica Newsroom website to read more about the cleanup.
Singapore: 50 Years Celebrated of the Church in Asia Nation
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and their interfaith partners recently celebrated 50 years of the Church being established in Singapore. It was a high-energy commemorative musical and cultural celebration.

Elder Peter F. Meurs, first counselor of the Asia Area Presidency of the Church, and Singapore Stake President Jean-Luc Butel led the two-performance event attended by a combined audience of an estimated 1,400 members and friends from other faiths.