Newsroom features stories from its 80 international Newsroom websites as well as from those in the United States to share what members and leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints throughout the world are doing to better serve their communities
Kenya: LDS Charities’ Wheelchairs Giving People Hope
Wheelchairs donated in Murang’a County, Africa, in 2018 by LDS Charities have blessed many lives. Faith Mweni is a patient at the Spinal Injury Hospital. She was paralyzed in a car accident while traveling between her wedding ceremony and her reception venue.

This is Faith Mweni
Faith has a positive outlook, and she hopes to start a childcare center in the future. Faith is one of several wheelchair patients with whom LDS Charities’ missionaries regularly meet.

Learn more about those being served on the Kenya Newsroom website.
Cambodia: Church Volunteers Freshen Up School Appearance
Young Latter-day Saints spent a Saturday painting and freshening up the Rong Chrey School building. All the supplies to do the job came from LDS Charities.

A missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints built school desks from boards taken from old bed frames and odd pieces of lumber. Church leader Touch Sophon stated, “It looks so good that when the children arrive on Monday morning, they will think they are in a new school.”

Read more about the project on the Cambodia Newsroom website.
Peru: Cleaning and Painting Poles of Light
Volunteers from the Church’s Helping Hands program cleaned and painted light poles throughout more than a dozen city blocks in La Molina, Peru. The Church coordinated with city officials before starting the service project.
The cleaning consisted of taking off posters and other such items before painting the light poles. Latter-day Saints also collected and disposed of garbage in the streets.
Go to the Peru Newsroom website (Spanish) for more photos and information.
Germany: Church Apostle Encourages Latter-day Saints in Europe in Recent Visit
Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles visited and spoke to Latter-day Saints in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. He encouraged them to make Jesus Christ and His teachings the center of their lives.

“Let us follow the path of a disciple,” said Elder Uchtdorf. “When we spread the good news [of the gospel], let us do it with patience and love, treating each one like a child of our Heavenly Father.”

Read more about Elder Uchtdorf’s visit on the Germany Newsroom website (German).
Japan: Family History Fair Creates Enthusiasm for Ancestry Research
Besides teaching the basics of researching a person’s family tree, the Family History Fair included a session about the origin of the family in ancient Japan, taught by Kyushu University history professor Shinji Takano.
At the end of the fair, people left with bags of family history information and a renewed interest in searching for their ancestors.
Read more about what was taught on the Japan Newsroom website (Japanese).
Armenia: National Day of Cleaning and Tree Planting
Latter-day Saints in Armenia participated with their Yerevan neighbors cleaning the community and planting trees.

Participants developed a close relationship working together.