features stories from its 80 international Newsroom websites as well as those from around the United States to share what members and leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are doing to better to serve their communities
Germany: Apostle Visits With Latter-day Saints and Clergy in Europe
An apostle in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints visited with members of the Church, as well as religious leaders of other faiths, in France, Germany, Switzerland, Romania, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and his wife, Mary, were accompanied on the visits by Elders Paul V. Johnson and Gary B. Sabin of the Europe Area Presidency, local leaders responsible of Latter-day Saints in the region.

Read more about what they did on the Germany Newsroom website (German).
Guatemala: Church Apostle Counsels Latter-day Saints on Strong Marriages and Families
Quoting and teaching from the Church’s, “The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” Elder Ulisses Soares of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explained what is necessary to make a marriage and a family successful.

Elder Soares also invited the audience to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and develop selfless love within the family.

Go to the Guatemala Newsroom website (Spanish) to see how his message was received.
Singapore: Children’s Choir Sings for Singapore President
A Latter-day Saint children’s choir sang recently for the president of Singapore, Madam Halimah Yacob, at the 26th annual Exemplary Mother Award ceremony. This is one of the country’s signature charity events.

“They sang with so much spirit and heart and did what was asked to improve their singing quality,” said choir organizer and conductor Greg Petersen. Guests were impressed by the children and their performance. One person remarked that the children singing was “the best gift for the mothers that day.”

Go to the Singapore Newsroom website for details.
Australia: Helping Hands Volunteers Plant Trees at Cockatoo Creek
A group of approximately 60 Latter-day Saints wore their Helping Hands vests and began planting more than 130 native trees and shrubs with guidance from Ruth South of the Friends of Cockatoo Creek.
The Cockatoo Creek project is an example of Church members donating millions of hours of service to their communities in nearly every corner of the world.
Read more about the project on the Australia Newsroom website.
United Kingdom: Religious Freedom Leader Given Church’s Family Values Award
Nola Leach, CEO of CARE (Christian Action Research and Education), has received The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’s Family Values Award. The Church in the UK presents Family Values Awards to individuals in the public eye whose work and influence have a significant impact on family life within society.

“Please see that in this broken society, where relationships break down, how important it is to invest in family life and in marriage,” explained Leach.

Read more about the event on the United Kingdom Newsroom website.
Philippines: Retired Medical Doctor Receives Church’s Family Values Award
Dr. Rosario de Guzman Itchon was recognized by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for her efforts of giving indigent families a chance for a better life through her shelter called the Divine Mercy Family Community Outreach.

The Church has been honoring individuals and institutions in the Philippines for more than a decade for helping to strengthen families. Dr. Itchon said the honor is not really hers; it belongs to God for permitting her to help in the community.

Go to the Philippines Newsroom website to read more about the event.
Africa Southeast: Angel Tops Durban South Africa Temple
One of the unique features of temples of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the gold-leafed statue of an angel named Moroni. He is an ancient prophet in the Book of Mormon.
A highlight of the progress of construction occurred recently in South Africa as the statue was placed atop the Durban Temple.

You can read comments and get more temple information on the Africa Southeast Newsroom website.