features stories from its 82 international Newsroom websites as well as those from around the United States to share what members and leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are doing to better the communities in which they live.
Guatemala: Apostle Visits Central America Community Leaders
Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints visited four Central American states recently. He met with government, religious and civic leaders, as well as Church missionary leaders.

Elder Cook spoke with Monsignor Henry Marie Denis Thyevenin, apostolic nuncio in Guatemala, and was the keynote speaker at an international conference on religious freedom.

The Guatemala Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish) has additional information on Elder Cook’s activities.
Nigeria: Clean Water Gushes Forth
“Water is life,” said Dr. C.O.C Egumgbe, commissioner for water resources in the Enugu State. “Whoever brings water to the people brings life and joy to the people,” he said. LDS Charities helped bring the clean water.

“This is a miracle!” said Mrs. Jideofor Angelina, 73-year-old resident of Agulu, who danced and sang throughout the ceremony of turning the pump over to the community. She could not believe that in her lifetime, clean water would flow from taps in her community. She recounted how due to lack of water, many of the villagers had to make do with just washing their legs, hands and faces instead taking a full bath.

Go to the Nigeria Mormon Newsroom website.
Russia: Men Celebrate and Honor Women
Latter-day Saint men took advantage of International Women’s Day in March to honor women. Mormon women were celebrated for their special role in God’s creation of the world and the difference they make in the lives of their families and community.
In various congregations of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Russia, women enjoyed concerts, food and gifts.
Go to the Russia Mormon Newsroom website (Russian).
USA: Exploring African American Roots in Cleveland, Ohio
More than 400 people gathered in Cleveland, Ohio, recently for an all-day African American Family History Symposium. The event was hosted by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints along with partnering organizations.

Nationally known African genealogist Deborah Abbott, PhD, was the keynote speaker at the event. Following her talk, classes were held, some of which pertained to tracing African American ancestors using plantation records, Freedmen’s Bureau records, the Underground Railroad and a researcher’s inspiring story about discovering and visiting the actual home in which her ancestors were enslaved.

Read more about the event on the Mormon Newsroom website.
Peru: Mormons Clean Cemetery
Hundreds of Mormon Helping Hands volunteers responded to a call from the municipality of Chosica in Peru to help clean the Santa Eulalia cemetery.

The cleaning project was done because Latter-day Saints believe in following the example of Jesus Christ.

Read more about it on the Peru Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish).
Italy: Country Leader Tours Homes Donated by LDS Charities
The president of Italy’s Council of Ministers, Paolo Gentiloni, recently visited the Italian Red Cross headquarters in Rome. He wanted to see the housing LDS Charities donated to the Red Cross for emergencies.
“Truly thanks to those who ... are helping those who suffer most,” said President Gentiloni.
Read on the Italy Mormon Newsroom website (Italian) where the money comes from for these worldwide humanitarian projects.