features stories from its international Newsroom websites to share what members and leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are doing to better the communities in which they live.
Dominican Republic: First Lady Visits Church Leaders
The First Lady of the Dominican Republic came to the world headquarters of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently. “We are impressed by its organization, how they operate and their social commitment in helping those in need in our country,” said Mrs. Montilla de Medina. She met with Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and Elder Lynn G. Robbins of the Presidency of the Seventy. She also visited the Church’s humanitarian center and other sites.
The First Lady expressed appreciation for the relationship the Dominican Republic has with the Church.
Read more about her visit on the Dominican Republic Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish).
Pacific, Tonga: Mormon High School Students’ Skills Help Shape Camp
Technical and vocational students from Liahona High School on the island of Tonga do impressive work, say local Church leaders. They were asked to build 120 picnic tables for a recreational camp being developed by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Leaders liked the quality of their work so much they asked them to construct other portions of the camp. At the school, students develop skills in one or more technical areas including carpentry, electrical, auto mechanics, welding, hospitality, fashion and design, architectural drafting and computer classes.
Go to the Pacific Mormon Newsroom website for additional information.
Nicaragua: Latter-day Saint Youth Give Service in Hospital
The General Hospital of Port of Spain, in Chinandega, was visited by about 200 Latter-day Saint teens. They came, not to get treatment, but to serve.

The youth collected trash, weeded, cleaned building hallways and performed other chores on the hospital’s four-block property.

Read about it on the Nicaragua Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish).
Pacific, Kiribati: LDS Charities Helps Strengthen Kiribati Communities
Church volunteers are helping the Te Toa Matoa residents with various disabilities settle into the Nanikaai community of Kiribati.

LDS Charities, the humanitarian arm of the Church, provided materials for the completion of a project of building a seawall to protect the eroding beachfront property as well as provide wheelchairs for some of the residents.

The Pacific Mormon Newsroom website has more information on the project as well as a video explaining the purposes of LDS Charities.
Guatemala: Church Youth Provide Valuable Service
Mormon teens in Guatemala City celebrated International Youth Day by doing community service. More than 200 youth turned out to paint and clean public places.
“We are very grateful for all the young people who have made this possible,” said one of the residents of the area. “They provided a service that we could not do ourselves.”
Go to the Guatemala Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish) to read more about what the youth accomplished.
Thailand: Planting Trees is Growing Hope
Mormon youth planted more than 400 trees recently in an area that often has flooding. The 65 young volunteers’ work added to the 3,000 trees planted by other groups over the past several months.
The trees will help prevent floods and will serve as a habitat for fish, shrimp and birds.
Go to the Thailand Mormon Newsroom website (Thai).