features stories from its 81 international Newsroom websites as well as those from around the United States to share what members and leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are doing to better the communities in which they live.
South Korea: Mormon Volunteers Assist After Earthquake
Less than two weeks after a 5.4 magnitude earthquake struck Pohang, South Korea, in November, Mormon Helping Hands were dispatched to help.

Volunteers and Church Humanitarian Services delivered oranges and apples to those in need, transported supplies and worked on various local projects.

Read more about their service on the South Korea Mormon Newsroom website (Korean).
Colombia: Church Helps Improve Infants’ and Mothers’ Lives
LDS Charities has donated equipment, supplies, expertise and a clean water source to help a local hospital and schools. The donations were made to facilities in La Guajira.

The Church also facilitated the activation of 12 windmills that will be used to move clean water to about 4,000 people.

The Colombia Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish) has additional information.
Thailand: Eyes Are Our Most Important Sensory Organ
Dr. Richard Wood and Dr. Berkman Mann came to Thailand from U.S. Vision to apply their experience and skills to assist those in need. Dr. Wood examined the eyes of one patient who complained of chronic pain in one eye. After closer examination Dr. Wood discovered what looked like an eyelash was actually an insect leg, and he was able to remove it. The procedure saved the patient’s eye.
Dr. Supachai Chotibut, an ophthalmologist at Thailand’s Ramathibodi Hospital, assisted with the examinations.

Go to the Thailand Mormon Newsroom website (Thai) to read the entire story.
Bulgaria: Seniors Benefit From LDS Charities Donation
The humanitarian arm of the Church, LDS Charities, recently donated 10 walkers, 20 mattresses, an electric patient lift, televisions, vacuum cleaners, washing machines and a clothes dryer to a care center for seniors in Sredets.
Care center director Radostina Pramatarova expressed thanks for the donation.
Go to the Bulgaria Mormon Newsroom website (Bulgarian).
Chile: Mormon Missionaries Donate 700 Hours of Service
Latter-day Saint missionaries serving in the southern Santiago area of Chile have been busy much of this year helping people recover from a fire in San Bernardo, collecting recyclable bottles to help children in poverty and setting up prefabricated houses.

The missionaries donated 700 hours of service. The Church teaches that service to others is an important characteristic of being a disciple of Jesus Christ.

Go to the Chile Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish) to read more.
USA: Church Receives Catholic Charities’ Recognition in Houston
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been recognized for its longtime association with support of Catholic Charities in the Galveston-Houston area of Texas.

At the organization’s annual meeting in November, representatives of the Church were honored with the 2017 Charity in Action Award. Cynthia Colbert, president and CEO of Catholic Charities in the Galveston-Houston Archdiocese, remarked about the Church’s unwavering support to help many as it always answers Catholic Charities’ urgent calls for volunteers.

Read more about the award on the Mormon Newsroom website.
USA: Creative Christmas Chalk Art Brings Community Together
More than 3,000 people attended the 4th annual Christmas Chalk Walk, hosted by the Laguna Niguel California Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Aliso Viejo. The event delighted revelers of all ages with beautiful art, festive music & nativity, inspiring community camaraderie and delicious treats.

Over 200 artists participated in the 2017 Chalk Walk which included many locals but others came from as far away as Bakersfield, San Diego, 29 Palms, Long Beach, California, and St. George, Utah.

Go to the Mormon Newsroom website for more pictures and information.