features stories from its 81 international Newsroom websites as well as those from around the United States to share what members and leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are doing to better the communities in which they live.
Argentina: Apostle Returns to His Mormon Missionary Roots
Elder D. Todd Christofferson, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and his wife, Katherine, were back in Argentina where he served as a young missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 55 years ago.

His mission this time in Argentina and Chile was to strengthen the faith of Latter-day Saints in Jesus Christ. His visit to Cordoba, where he served as a young missionary, and his personal encounter with people he had met during that time, gave this apostolic visit an emotional and personal tone.

Go to the Argentina Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish) to read what he taught about while in the South American countries.
Mexico: Church Apostle Meets With Community Leaders
Lourdes Angelina Muñoz Fernández, the mayor of Hermosillo, Mexico, gave a warm reception to Elder Gary E. Stevenson of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles in the apostle’s recent visit. “I am grateful for your presence,” said the mayor.

Elder Stevenson said he was deeply moved by the reception. “The people I have met today have impressed me a lot; they are people who value families, people of faith, of high moral value.”
Read more about his visit on the Mexico Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish).
Ghana: Fresh Bread Keeps Children in School
A cooperative effort by the Church’s LDS Charities and the Street Children Empowerment Foundation (SCEF) of Ghana is helping many children who are living on Jamestown’s streets.
The Church provides training; equipment such as ovens, pans and bowls; and supplies such as flour, yeast and sugar, as well as rent needed to start a cooperative bread-making venture. Parents of the identified children are enrolled in a cooperative business effort to best develop the skills of each person involved in making bread.

Go to the Ghana Mormon Newsroom website to better understand the principle of self-reliance.
Russia: Improving the World Through Music and Values
Latter-day Saints in Tomsk, Russia, joined with their neighbors of other faiths for the annual festival of non-secular music called Oikumene. The program of the festival included works of various forms and genres, expressing the views of their authors and performers about the meaning of life, the destiny of man and the beauty of the world.

“Events such as the festival of non-secular music change our way of thinking,” said Latter-day Saint Nelly Denisova. It expands “our understanding of the world, it helps to overcome personal limitations and learn to understand others’ views. I believe that our festival improves the world and maintains harmony in it.”

Read more about the festival on the Russia Mormon Newsroom website (Russian).
Dominican Republic: Apostle’s Wife Instructs on Religious Freedom
“When religious rights are in danger, human rights are in danger,” said Dr. Ruth L. Renlund, a former assistant in the Utah Attorney General’s office and wife of Elder Dale G. Renlund of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. “Religious freedom is the key element of peace and stability of societies,” she explained.

She was a speaker at a religious freedom conference sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Pontifica Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra - PUCMM.

Read what else was said about protecting religious freedoms on the Dominican Republic Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish).
Canada: Ontario Black History Society Focuses on Family
Keynote speaker at the Ontario Black History Society’s 40th anniversary, Dr. Beverly-Jean Daniel, said, “Family is there to make you feel loved.” “It’s All About Our Youth” was the conference theme.
The Church also had a display at the conference featuring The Family: A Proclamation to the World and other materials concerning protecting the family and the youth.

You can read more about the conference on the Canada Mormon Newsroom website.