features stories from its international Newsroom websites to share what members and leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are doing to better the communities in which they live.
USA, Maryland: Latter-day Saints in Maryland Bring Relief to Refugees
A Central American refugee described the drama of living in an area where he was taken by a gang and beaten with a baseball bat. This incident forced him to take a perilous journey to the United States to begin a new life. Other stories were told of hardships by refugees at a recent fair in Maryland organized by Latter-day Saints and community members.
The fair catered to hundreds of refugees by providing them with basic necessities, including a toothbrush and comb, bed sheets, laundry detergent and many other items.
Go to the Mormon Newsroom website to read more about how Latter-day Saints are helping refugees.
India: Mormon Apostle Visits Multiple Congregations in Asia Area
Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, and other Church leaders were in Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Mongolia, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand, encouraging members to build faith in Jesus Christ.
“Do not let your past, whether it is a mistake, bad habit or even an addiction, define who you are,” said Elder Cook. “Negative experiences can be great learning opportunities.”

Read more about the leaders’ visits on the India Mormon Newsroom website.
Ghana: Church Assistance Means Better Eye Care for Thousands
LDS Charities is making it possible for people in Ghana with eyesight problems to receive higher quality care. The Church’s humanitarian arm, LDS Charities, provides equipment, supplies and organizational support to eye-care professionals throughout the world.
Dr. Jesse Hunsaker, vision specialist for LDS Charities, set up the new equipment and trained the Tetteh Quarshie Hospital staff in its use. “We have been doing projects throughout central Africa for 11 years,” explained Dr. Hunsaker.
For additional comments from those involved, go to the Ghana Mormon Newsroom website.
Honduras: Young Mormons Serve Younger Children
Youth and leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Comayagüela area of Honduras, near Tegucigalpa, served students at the Margarita Godoy Kindergarten in Las Casitas Village.

The 40 youth played games with the children and had snacks for them. A doctor provided medical advice and multivitamins for the children and their mothers.

Go to the Honduras Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish).
Nigeria: Mormons Help Sponsor Free Medical Check-Ups
Latter-day Saint congregations in Lagos, Nigeria, worked with the Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH) and Eye Foundation Hospital to provide residents with free medical check-ups. Medical volunteers checked residents’ eyes and blood pressure and offered one-on-one consultation and treatments.
The day included informative talks, discussion and answers to improving healthy living.
Go to the Nigeria Mormon Newsroom website for more information.
Canada: Community Leaders Honored by the Church
Two community leaders and a soup kitchen in Nova Scotia, Canada, have been recognized by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for their service to those less fortunate.
Journalist Joanne Oostveen received the Family Values Award; Margaret’s House, the only soup kitchen in Dartmouth, received the You Make a Difference Award; and Philanthropist Cherryl Oake was honored with the Humanitarian Service Award. The awards are given for the positive impact these community leaders make for their fellow citizens.
Read more about these awards on the Canada Mormon Newsroom website.