features stories from its international Newsroom websites to share what members and leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are doing to better the communities in which they live.
USA: Mormon Apostle Meets With Detroit Clergy
Church apostle Elder Dale G. Renlund recently met with Muslim, Catholic and Armenian religious leaders in Detroit, Michigan. The leaders’ conversations focused on religious freedom and how they could work together to guard against persecution of the world’s faiths.

Elder Renlund said his faith’s leaders wish to be friends with the religious community, to assist, as the Church is able, and to seek a long-term cooperative relationship.

Read more about the meetings on the MormonNewsroom website.
Russia: Church Discusses Social Partnerships With Leaders of Religion, Education and Government
Representatives of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints met with scholars and leaders in science and government to address partnerships in the role of religion.

Former Church leader Dennis B. Neuenschwander participated, and he stressed, “A lively, productive partnership between state institutions and religious organizations will make the world much better, our homes much happier and our societies more tolerant.”

Go to the Russia Mormon Newsroom website (Russian).
Canada: Mormons “Just Serve” Local Food Banks
Latter-day Saints in the Calgary and Edmonton area joined local food banks in the annual door-to-door food drive during the country’s Hunger Awareness Week.

Working under the banner of, the citywide food effort comes at a time when demand for services at the food bank increases. JustServe offers opportunities for anyone willing to serve their community, or if there is a service project where people are needed, is the information website for it.

Go to the Canada Mormon Newsroom website for a little history behind the food drive.
USA: Church Provides 17,000 Meals to Feed the Hungry in Virginia
Latter-day Saints have donated 20,000 pounds of food — worth roughly $22,000, or 17,000 meals — to Feed More in Richmond, Virginia.

The food delivery coincided with Virginia’s first lady Dorothy McAuliffe’s Day of Action. She and her husband, Governor Terry McAuliffe, attended the event.
Read more about the event on the MormonNewsroom website.
Costa Rica: Mormon Helping Hands Serve
Tropical Storm Nate came ashore in Costa Rica in early October and caused flooding, landslides and damage to buildings, homes and streets.
Within a few days of the storm, Mormon Helping Hands volunteers were assisting residents with food, water, clothing and cleanup.
Read how Latter-day Saints try to follow Jesus Christ on the Costa Rica Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish).
Ghana: LDS Charities Helps Improve Medical Care
LDS Charities, the humanitarian arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, worked with leaders of Ghana’s villages, focusing on improving maternity and general health care for the population.
Dr. Damian Punguyire, director of the Ghana Health Service for the Techiman municipality, said, “We had buildings. We had midwives and nurses. Unfortunately, we had no equipment or supplies.”
Go to the Ghana Mormon Newsroom website to read more about how the Church’s donation resulted in birthing equipment for maternal care, as well as medical supplies to be used in the care centers.
Peru: Church Donation Helps Local Education
Students and teachers will benefit from a donation from the Church of 27 sets of desks and chairs.

The furniture will be given to 13 schools in four school districts. Peru’s Education Minister, Idel Vexler, said, “I thank, in the name of children, the donation made by the Church.”

The Peru Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish) has additional information.