features stories from its international Newsroom websites to share what leaders and members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are doing to better the communities in which they live.
Philippines: Improved Water Access for Community
A community of more than 11,000 people in the Philippines now has increased access to water made possible by a donation from LDS Charities (the humanitarian arm of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints).
Above the small valley community of Sagada in the Cordillera mountain range of Northern Luzon, are water tanks that collect mountain runoff and the water is channeled through a series of pipes distributed to seven new taps located throughout the area.
Read about the celebration this community had for the gift of water on the Philippines Mormon Newsroom website.
Puerto Rico: Mormon Children Donate to Children’s Hospital
Latter-day Saint children earned money to buy socks for patients at the San Juan Children's Hospital.

The children, ages eight to 12 years old, donated 300 pairs of socks. In addition to what the children gave, 60 towels were provided by Latter-day Saint women in the local Relief Society and a friend of the Church donated 50 mittens.

Go to the Puerto Rico Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish) to learn more.
Zimbabwe: Mormon Helping Hands Beautify Communities
Recent Mormon Helping Hands volunteers took on the job of painting interior and exterior walls at local community buildings. They also repaired broken cistern tanks, windows, doors, fences and planted flowers, lawn and trees at community clinics and many other facilities.

“It is an honor to be associated with people who love to work,” said the Honorable Tinashe Maduzaa a member of Parliament. “Many times people are complaining about the local government for not doing enough. But today you have demonstrated that we all have work to do.”
For more information on what Latter-day Saints accomplished in this volunteer effort go to the Zimbabwe Mormon Newsroom website.
United Kingdom: Latter-day Saints Help Refugees With Basic Needs
Within two days in September more than two tons of clothing, food and other basics of life were collected by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in South West Wales.

The donated items are for refugees who have come from Syria, Iran, Afghanistan, Eritrea, Libya, Ethiopia and other nations looking for help and safety.

Read how Mormons organized to bring relief to those in need on the United Kingdom Mormon Newsroom website.
Singapore: Delivery of Fresh Water Increasing in Remote Areas
Water is a rare commodity in many areas of the world. LDS Charities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints works to facilitate the delivery of fresh water close to communities without residents having to hike many miles for it.
Over the past 14 years, LDS Charities has worked in Indonesia to meet the clean water needs of its many villagers. The Church has provided funding, technical expertise and manpower to construct 29 water projects.

Read more on the Singapore Mormon Newsroom website about how more and more of the world’s population is receiving water.
South Africa: Gardening, a Step Towards Self-Sufficiency
With the goal of helping themselves, people in this eastern coastal province of South Africa are benefitting from a partnership between the government and LDS Charities to help three small communities become more self-sufficient through vegetable gardening.
LDS Charities installed an irrigation system that stores water in tanks and delivered via gravity to the gardens.
Go to the South Africa Mormon Newsroom website to read more about it