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New Stakes and Stake Presidencies Announced in February 2025

President Michael Ballard, second counselor in the Provo Utah South Stake presidency and the first deaf man to serve in a stake presidency, signs during a stake council meeting on May 3, 2023, in Provo, Utah. Photo by Doug Stringham, courtesy of Church News.All rights reserved.
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By Church News Staff, Church News

Note: A stake is a collection of several congregations. A stake president holds the priesthood keys (spiritual authority) to lead the work of the Church in a specific geographical area. He and his two counselors form a stake presidency. They care for Church members living in the stake with love, helping them become true followers of Jesus Christ.

Following is a list of newly created stakes and stake presidencies of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from around the world. Lists are compiled and published at the end of each month. The actual date of a stake’s creation or reorganization is in parentheses, following the name of the stake.

New Stakes

A new stake has been created from the Ashburn Virginia, Gainesville Virginia and Oakton Virginia stakes. The Brambleton Virginia Stake, which consists of the Loudoun Branch and Algonkian, Ashburn, Brambleton, Broadlands, Sterling Park and Tall Cedars wards, was created by Elder D. Martin Goury, a General Authority Seventy, and Elder Kevin W. Birch, an Area Seventy.

BRAMBLETON VIRGINIA STAKE: (Jan. 26, 2025) President — Daniel Gregg Kotter, 51, Ernst & Young LLP office managing partner; wife, Stacie Thorne Kotter. Counselors — Brent Allen Pugh, 49, Red River chief financial officer; wife, Chelsey Clark Pugh. Chad J Billings, 50, Birch, Stewart, Kolasch & Birch LLP partner; wife, Belva Loy Buhler Billings.

A new stake has been created from the Dallas Texas East and Heath Texas stakes. The Forney Texas Stake, which consists of the Forney 3rd Branch and Forney 1st, Forney 2nd, Kaufman, Mesquite, Rio Trinidad and Skyline wards, was created by Elder Anthony D. Perkins, a General Authority Seventy, and Elder Daniel L. Harris, an Area Seventy.

FORNEY TEXAS STAKE: (Dec. 8, 2024) President — Dane Brooks Hatch, 49, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. administrator; wife, Lindsey Erin Jones Hatch. Counselors — Matthew Kyle Hansen, 45, Troutman Pepper Locke partner; wife, Jene’ Kowallis Hansen. Lance Martin Celaya, 46, Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen and Loewy LLP attorney; wife, Michelle Godfrey Celaya.

A new stake has been created from the Idaho Falls Taylor Mountain Stake. The Idaho Falls Canterbury Park Stake, which consists of the Bristol Heights, Carriage Gate, Castlerock, Gem Lake, Park Taylor, Stonebrook and Victorian Village wards, was created by Elder David P. Homer, a General Authority Seventy, and Elder Stephen J. Larson, an Area Seventy.

IDAHO FALLS CANTERBURY PARK STAKE: (Jan. 12, 2025) President — Nathan Brent Stohl, 53, Idaho National Laboratory programmer and analyst; wife, Krista Gudmundson Stohl. Counselors — David Wayne Childs, 52, Melaleuca Inc. vice president of marketing communications; wife, Jennifer Lynn Stead Childs. Jason Allen Grider, 52, self-employed real estate broker; wife, Amy Ann Flint Grider.

A new stake has been created from the Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Mpasa Stake. The Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Mikonga Stake, which consists of the Bibwa, Makanza 1st, Makanza 2nd, Mikonga 1st and Mikonga 2nd wards, was created by Elder Thierry K. Mutombo, a General Authority Seventy, and Elder George Katembo Njogu Munene, an Area Seventy.

KINSHASA DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO MIKONGA STAKE: (Dec. 1, 2024) President — Mayamba Hermes Itina, 37, Democratic Republic of the Congo National Assembly deputy; wife, Rachelle Itina Tshimungu. Counselors — Mbemba Pythagore Matubu, 39, Cercle Hippique de Kinshasa ASBL chief accountant and administrator; wife, Ingongo Angel Kunga Matubu. Patrick Ben Mutombo Mulamwevu, 35, Central Avicole Bio manager; wife, Mutombo Clarisse Ciyamba.

A new stake has been created from the Kinshasa Democratic Republic of the Congo Binza Stake. The Kintambo Democratic Republic of the Congo Stake, which consists of the Camp Luka, Laloux 2nd, Lonzo, Lubudi and Nganda wards, was created by Elder Christophe G. Giraud-Carrier, General Authority Seventy, and Elder Willy Binene, an Area Seventy.

KINTAMBO DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO STAKE: (Dec. 8, 2024) President — Apalamonganzi Ndjoli Paulin, 54, Temporal Affairs senior accountant; wife, Jolie Charlotte Botendi Bakolanga. Counselors — Londola Tresor Djonga, 40, general manager and electrical engineer; wife, Mulanga Fanny Kabeya. Cherian Biraro Ipatutele, 33, teacher; wife, Nsaka Pricille Tshiyamba Ipatutele.

Reorganized Stakes

ALTOONA PENNSYLVANIA STAKE: (Oct. 27, 2024) President — Justin Brady Bigger, 46, Geisinger associate radiologist; succeeding Matthew Bryce Parkinson; wife, Erin Farr Bigger. Counselors — Steven Donald Cratty, 53, Cratty Landscape Services Inc. owner; wife, Melissa Sue Held Cratty. Richard Dean Mergenthaler Jr., 47, Penn State University associate professor; wife, Bonni Ann Gudgel Mergenthaler.

ASAMANKESE GHANA STAKE: (Dec. 1, 2024) President — Prince Anim Agyei, 40, self-employed mechanic and poultry farmer; succeeding Solomon Agyeman Tenadu; wife, Juliet Effah Agyei. Counselors — Samuel Tetteh Drah, 66, retired; wife, Georgina Maku Paditey Drah. Michael Anim, 47, Ghana Cocoa Board seed production division sprayer; wife, Faustina Owusua Anim.

BATAC PHILIPPINES STAKE: (Dec. 8, 2024) President — Michael Cangas Duyao, 44, Laoag Solid 8 Distribution & Services Corp. trade marketing officer; succeeding Reynaldo Cruz Baga; wife, Sheryl Estrada Duyao. Counselors — Bonifacio Tabian Galapia, 57, retired; wife, Rhoda Coloma Cabulera Galapia. Nicole Rey Balgos Baga, 31, NRB Electrical Supply owner; wife, Haizel Echanis De Leon Baga.

BO SIERRA LEONE NORTH STAKE: (Oct. 20, 2024) President — Solomon Fode Boima, 49, Latter-day Saint Charities in-country coordinator; succeeding Victor Korseh Hindowa; wife, Ngadie Isata Sesay Boima. Counselors — Dominic Mambo Kovei, 51, Catholic Mission deputy head teacher; wife, Mamie Patricia Sengahum Kovei. Peter George Arlington, 46, Abdel Nasser Bo principal; wife, Esther Quee George.

DALLAS TEXAS EAST STAKE: (Dec. 8, 2024) President — Jason Paul Nance, 52, Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law dean and professor; succeeding Dane Brooks Hatch; wife, Julie Ann Laudie Nance. Counselors — Julio A. Ramirez, 50, self-employed operations employee; wife, Italia Ramirez Ramos. Steven Daniel Cramer, 45, BC2 Capital LLC founder; wife, Rebecca Nicole Clayton Cramer.

EAGLE IDAHO STAKE: (Jan. 12, 2025) President — Cortland Randall Honn, 58, Integrated Solutions Inc. president; succeeding Laren Ray Walker; wife, Roberta Jane Duffen Honn. Counselors — Matthew Carter Woods, 53, Avalara director of sales; wife, Aimee Jamille Guy Woods. Daniel H Walker, 47, Corsica Capital CEO; wife, Shera Mae Soelberg Walker.

IQUITOS PERÚ PUNCHANA STAKE: (Dec. 8, 2024) President — Brigham Spencer Garcia Pinto, 31, Seminaries and Institutes of Religion coordinator; succeeding Raly Reil Ramirez Rivadeneyra; wife, Arely Cecibell Arias Paullo. Counselors — Carlos Santillan Cora, 38, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints maintenance technician; wife, Melissa Mireylle de Santillan Tulumba. Gardon Gregori Del Aguila Garcia, 29, BBVA Bank assistant manager, and financial adviser; wife, Gianella Bethsebel Holff Fatama.

KAISERSLAUTERN GERMANY STAKE (ENGLISH): (Jan. 26, 2025) President — Cade Adam Salmon, 51, Defense Health Agency and U.S. Air Force DHA Europe dental lab director; succeeding Darrell M Zaugg; wife, Jeanne Marie Jones Salmon. Counselors — Jed Raner Weyland, 50, Department of Defense Education Activity school counselor; wife, Sarah Katheryn Shamrell Weyland. Robert Edwin Thaxton, 58, Defense Health Agency chief of emergency medicine; wife, Rebecca Slaughter Thaxton.

KIRTLAND NEW MEXICO STAKE: (Jan. 12, 2025) President — Nolan Rayfred Stewart, 43, C&J Equipment Manufacturing Corp. chief financial and operations officer; succeeding Clete Norman Finch; wife, Megan Ruth Whipple Stewart. Counselors — Brian James Dowdy, 48, Aztec Municipal School District director of career and technical education and self-employed designer and draftsman; wife, TyAnn Lewis Dowdy. Todd William Thomas, 57, San Juan Regional Medical Center manager of rehab services; wife, Caroline John Thomas.

MACEIÓ BRAZIL LITORAL STAKE: (Nov. 10, 2024) President — Amaro Antonio de Oliveira Silva, 47, businessman; succeeding Marcos Pedro da Silva; wife, Valeria dos Santos Novaes Silva. Counselors — Wesley de Oliveira Cavalcante, 36, CFW Tecnologia da Informação LTDA founding partner; wife, Ingrid Shayane Nemésio de Araújo Cavalcante. Hugo Leonardo Omena Gomes de Melo, 34, delivery driver; wife, Aimeé Raíssa Bezerra Moraes de Melo.

MADERO MÉXICO STAKE: (Nov. 24, 2024) President — Federico Medina Ruiz, 54, independent insurance and real estate adviser; succeeding Mario Tovar Juarez; wife, Dolores de Medina Treto. Counselors — Alberto Gonzalez Rodriguez, 52, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints property administrator; wife, Aline Magaly Aleman Trejo. Luis Fidel Castellanos Diaz, 36, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints temple recorder; wife, Noemi Eunice de Castellanos Flores.

NAVEGANTES BRAZIL STAKE: (Nov. 24, 2024) President — Alexsandro Cipriano, 45, businessman; succeeding José Rodrigues; wife, Sandra Barilli Cipriano. Counselors — Reginaldo Lopes da Silva Santos, 36, RJ Engenharia e Serviços CEO; wife, Janaina Machado Santos. Thiago Alonso Lira Coelho, 29, TWV Prestação de Serviço businessman; wife, Steffani Regina dos Santos Coelho.

NEIAFU VAVA’U TONGA CENTRAL STAKE: (Nov. 24, 2024) President — Latu Ta’ofi, 44, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Special Projects Department temple facility manager; succeeding Sione Ngungutau Monu; wife, Sitilia Piusita Fonua Ta’ofi. Counselors — Fatafehi Taufa, 39, Church School Tonga school counselor; wife, Eunice Nonulavisi Uasila’a Taufa. Sitani Lavemai, 44, facility manager and senior accounting clerk; wife, ‘Ofa Kimuli Moimoi Lavemai.

PALM BAY FLORIDA STAKE: (Jan. 12, 2025) President — Jacob Brinton Lawson, 38, Kimley-Horn and Associates Inc. associate; succeeding Kevin Harold Smith; wife, Suzanna Rose Denninghoff Lawson. Counselors — Jarom Elden Hanson, 45, neurohospitalist; wife, Liina Maaria Hynynen Hanson. Burton Crowell Gordon III, 46, System Innovation Group system engineer; wife, Lydia Grace Davis Gordon.

POCATELLO IDAHO STAKE: (Jan. 12, 2025) President — Vance Pendleton Nielsen, 50, HUB International broker and consultant; succeeding Reed Kim Smith; wife, Gina Phillips Nielsen. Counselors — Paul Dennis Bitton, 45, Hamilton Brookfield Capital LLC general partner; wife, Natalie Ruth Benson Bitton. Timothy Gerald Pearson, 57, GlaxoSmithKline account specialist; wife, Joyce Roma McBride Pearson.

ROY UTAH WEST STAKE: (Jan. 12, 2025) President — Kenneth Joel Allred, 57, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints therapist; succeeding Wendell William Rich; wife, Rachael Skinner Allred. Counselors — Eric Edwin Anderson, 55, U.S. District Court and U.S. Department of Justice deputy chief U.S. probation officer, and Weber State University adjunct professor; wife, Amy Lundgreen Anderson. Justin Joseph Russell, 43, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints senior email marketing specialist; wife, Kaylee Whetton Russell.

SALVADOR BRAZIL IMBUÍ STAKE: (Nov. 3, 2024) President — Adelmar Leite de Souza Júnior, 32, Movida Aluguel de Carros operations manager; succeeding Francisco de Assis Souza Costa Junior; wife, Pamela de Medeiros Siqueira Leite de Souza. Counselors — Gerson Da Silva Barretto, 49, Petrobras Transporte SA-Transpetro technician; wife, Nathalie Carneiro Ramos Barretto. Mosiah de Caldas Torgan, 39, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints temple recorder; wife, Thaísa Silva de Lima Torgan.

SAN MATEO CALIFORNIA STAKE: (Jan. 26, 2025) President — Aaron Robert Wohali Gilbert, 40, City of Palo Alto regional water quality control plant manager; succeeding Timothy Alfred Fewkes; wife, Stacy Joanne Pemberton Gilbert. Counselors — Jason Alan Eggers, 49, City of Belmont, California, IT manager; wife, Jeanna Williams Eggers. Jonathan Allen Andersen, 45, Verkada federal CISO, and RecordAGrave.org founder and president; wife, Kristen Amille Demps Andersen.

ST. DAVID ARIZONA STAKE: (Jan. 19, 2025) President — Matthew Isaac Allred, 42, North Bowie Farming chief operations officer; succeeding Damon Bruce Trejo; wife, Maren Gelaire Mayberry Allred. Counselors — Kevin Michael Davis, 58, Willcox Unified School District superintendent and business manager; wife, Colene Haymore Davis. Jace Layton Lewis, 39, Arizona Electric Power Cooperative emergency medical services manager; wife, Kasey Lee Ann Matney Lewis.

TAYLORSVILLE UTAH SOUTH STAKE: (Jan. 19, 2025) President — Fernando Correa Cruz, 50, Dynamond Building Services president and CEO, System One board chairman, Dynamond Concrete Polishing and Vovó Diana Foods CEO, and Omega Custome Homes board member; succeeding Randy Lee Foote; wife, Heila Nunes de Oliveira Cruz. Counselors — Jeremiah Daniel Stettler, 48, Dadcrafted Decor president and CEO; wife, Tahja Marie Newson Stettler. Kory Bradford Cox, 47, Utah Retirement Systems director of government and legislative affairs; wife, Audrey Jill Dunn Cox.

TWIN FALLS IDAHO SOUTH STAKE: (Jan. 12, 2025) President — Scott Michael Rasmussen, 48, State of Idaho bureau chief; succeeding Robert John Atkins; wife, Amie Duncan Rasmussen. Counselors — Jason Royce Derricott, 46, Starr Corp. construction manager; wife, Amanda Sky Cutler Derricott. Rohn Tyler McKee, 53, orthopedic surgeon; wife, Heidi Tripp McKee.

TAYTAY PHILIPPINES STAKE: (Oct. 27, 2024) President — Joshua Pollicar Espi, 41, Starbucks Philippines IT infrastructure manager; succeeding Robert Salvador Estil Oximas; wife, Jane Valdez Fernando Espi. Counselors — Orlando Yap Paredes, 48, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints senior security officer; wife, Janeth Cipriano Eustaquio Paredes. Daniel Valencia Cruz, 48, former Philippines Area Presidency clerk; wife, Nectarina Diego Tiamson Cruz.

THAMES VALLEY ENGLAND STAKE: (Jan. 12, 2025) President — Carlos Manuel Gámez Martín, 38, Area Leader and Member Support and Area Support Services manager; succeeding Andrew George Smith; wife, Mariana Costa Gámez. Counselors — Ieuan Christian Michael Guy, 34, Xtrac Ltd. principal design engineer; wife, Rachel Lynn Wright-Carruthers Guy. Andryws Alexandre De Oliveira, 34, human resources operations manager; wife, Luz Soledad Sampayo.

TUCSON ARIZONA NORTH STAKE: (Jan. 12, 2025) President — Jess A Haymore, 49, dentist; succeeding Steven Thomas Broadbent; wife, Tania Busby Haymore. Counselors — Curtis Ray Finster, 53, Priority Lending president and CEO; wife, Alwyn Anne Romney Finster. Raymond Contreras, 55, firefighter and paramedic; wife, Lucinda Gonzalez Contreras.

VIRGINIA BEACH STAKE: (Jan. 12, 2025) President — Aron Rhodes Boney, 50, physician; succeeding VonLogan Burnett Brimhall; wife, Allyn Elizabeth Lee Boney. Counselors — Mark Wilson Everette, 66, YHB Investment Advisors chairman; wife, Jennifer Ruth Davis Everette. Kimball Day Boone, 50, City of Virginia Beach law librarian; wife, Rachel Meijken Loveless Boone.

WEST JORDAN UTAH WELBY STAKE: (Jan. 19, 2025) President — Michael Brent Hutchings, 54, University of Utah School of Dentistry assistant professor; succeeding Richard Glenn Law; wife, Jodi Lyn Breinholt Hutchings. Counselors — Abel António Ribeiro Ferreira Chaves, 59, Ensign College professor; wife, Teresa Paula Marques da Conceição Alferes Chaves. Steven Thomas Lewis, 46, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints printing division director; wife, Emily Lee Naegle Lewis.

Style Guide Note:When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online Style Guide.