Deseret Industries (more commonly known as D.I.) is a nonprofit business enterprise owned and operated by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, designed to provide employment and to aid in the economic rehabilitation of disadvantaged persons.
Many who are familiar with D.I. think of it simply as a place to donate unneeded goods, but D.I. also helps people like Wes Oliver get a second chance at life.
Oliver, a highly successful junior Olympic swimmer, became addicted to drugs and alcohol and eventually landed in jail. Before leaving the jail’s drug treatment program, Oliver was required to have a job. His bishop recommended he enter D.I.’s vocational rehabilitation program. Since that time, Oliver has received an MBA.
Read more about Oliver’s D.I. success story at LDS.org’s Church News and Events page.
Related links:
A Second Chance at a Future Through Deseret Industries (10/14/2008)