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Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
During a February 2025 ministry visit to the Asia North Area of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Sister Tracy Y. Browning, Second Counselor in the Primary General Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, testified of God’s love for His children: “I testify that God knows you, He loves you and He wants to hear your prayers,” she said.
The Primary General Officer shared messages with Latter-day Saints and leaders during devotionals and church and leadership training meetings in the Jeonju, Daejeon, Cheongju, Seoul East, and Seoul West stakes in Korea, and the Sendai, Hokkaido North and Hokkaido South stakes in Japan.
Sister Browning reminded Primary children of the importance of baptism as a sacred covenant and encouraged them to learn how to recognize and follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost, which she likened to following a compass to reach a destination.
Sister Browning used a picture of a compass to teach that the Holy Ghost always points us to Jesus Christ. The Holy Ghost guides and directs us, helps us remember things and teaches us what we need to know. “Good thoughts come from the Holy Ghost,” she explained.
She told the children that as they learn about Jesus, study stories about His life and mission, and prepare to be baptized, they are becoming like Jesus. She testified that He lives and that He loves each of them.
At an activity for parents and Primary children in Sendai, Japan, the children were invited to be like Jesus Christ — humble, thankful, helpful, preparing for baptism and setting goals.
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Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
When she was baptized at age 16, she made it a personal goal to pray every day, she said. Now, during her daily prayers, she thanks Heavenly Father for her blessings, asks for help, apologizes for her mistakes, and asks for forgiveness. At the end of her prayers, she listens for answers from the Spirit.
Sister Browning said that the Spirit speaks in English for her. However, the Spirit probably speaks in Japanese for children in Japan. “Heavenly Father knows each of you,” Sister Browning said. He knows every language. He will answer your prayers in a way you will understand. He wants you to talk with him.” She told them to thank Heavenly Father for their blessings, ask Him for help, and share their worries and what makes them happy and sad.
During leadership training meetings in both countries, Sister Browning explained that Primary children already have a natural desire to follow Jesus Christ, and Primary leaders can nurture the spiritual flame already within children by helping them believe in Jesus Christ, belong to Jesus Christ and to His Church, and become like Jesus Christ. “Primary is about helping each child feel the Savior’s love and wanting to be like Him,” she said.
Sister Browning taught that the scripture found in 3 Nephi 11:15 describes a pattern that Primary leaders can use in helping children experience the gospel:
- See with their eyes.
- Feel with their hands.
- Know of a surety.
- Bear record of Jesus Christ.
Sister Browning said this pattern is enhanced when Primary teachers and leaders identify key doctrine and truths during singing time or in class. Teaching truths through music also provides a bridge for children to recognize the Holy Ghost and describe what they feel, she said.
Sister Browning emphasized that every child, regardless of background or circumstances, is welcome in Primary. Leaders can support parents as they teach their children the gospel. Helpful information is found in the “Come, Follow Me” manual, Appendix A for parents and Appendix B for leaders and teachers.
She reminded leaders that children also grow in the gospel through service activities and by being asked to speak and say prayers in Sacrament meetings. These opportunities of responsibility will help children take part in the work of salvation and recognize Christ’s power to strengthen and guide them.