- Elder-Piper-with-Sister-Yee-and-Sister-Wright-during-the-Sisters-Leadership-Instruction-Meeting-on-21st-February-2025
- Sister-Wright-and-Sister-Yee-share-instruction-during-a-Leadership-Meeting-in-Meganagna-Branch-in-Addis-Ababa,-Ethiopia-on-18th-February-2025
- Sister-Yee-gives-an-interview-to-Belageru-TV-in-Addis-Ababa-Ethiopia-on-18th-February-2025
- Sister-Wright-goes-through-a-practical-session-with-Sister-Kavaya-at-the-Sisters-Leadership-Instruction-Meeting-on-21st-February-2025
- Sister-Yee-and-Sister-Wright-with-the-Area-Organisation-Advisors-of-Africa-Central-Area-in-Nairobi-Kenya-on-21st-February-2025
- Sister-Yee-shares-a-light-moment-with-Nairobi-West-Stake-President,-Peter-Ondigo-and-his-wife-Sister-Pauline-Ondigo-on-21st-February-2025
- Sister-Yee-interacts-with-Young-Single-Adults-in-Nairobi,-Kenya-19th-February-2025
- Sister-Wright-poses-with-a-Young-Single-Adult-in-Nairobi,-Kenya-on-19th-February-2025
- Relief-Society-Sisters-in-Dar-Es-Salaam,-Tanzania-pose-with-Sister-Yee-on-23rd-February-2025
- Sister-Yee-reminds-sisters-in-Dar-Es-Salaam-Tanzania-that-they-are-all-part-of-the-global-Relief-Society-Organisation-on-23rd-February-2025
- Sister-Wright-instructs-primary-teachers-in-Dar-Es-Salaam-Tanzania-on-22nd-February-2025
- Sister-Wright-poses-with-primary-children-in-Dar-Es-Salaam,-Tanzania-on-22nd-February-2025
- Sister-Wright-ministers-to-families-in-Dar-Es-Salaam,-Tanzania-with-Elder-Mutombo-on-22nd-February-2025
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Temple Square is always beautiful in the springtime. Gardeners work to prepare the ground for General Conference. © 2012 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. | 1 / 2 |
Sister Kristin M. Yee, Second Counselor to the Relief Society General Presidency, and Sister Amy A. Wright, First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, visited the Africa Central Area February 14–23, 2024, to teach and minister to leaders and members in Cameroon, Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania.
Local leaders and members expressed testimonies and gratitude that highlighted the significance of the leaders’ visit and reinforced the importance of faith, service and ministering. The tour also strengthened the bonds within the Africa Central Area and inspired Latter-day Saints to continue their efforts in spreading the message of Christ and serving their communities with love and dedication.
“I am deeply moved by the arrival of Sister Yee and Sister Wright here because it enhances the image of the Church in Cameroon,” said the Yaounde District Young Women president. “We have received many messages from God that help us continue this wonderful work of advancing the Church in Cameroon. We will continue to share the message of Christ, help people come to Christ, change their lives and grow a little more each day. Personally, I leave the devotional today with a great testimony of the truth of this Church, the truth of the scriptures, the spirituality of this Church, and my own testimony of revelation.”

Sister Amy A. Wright, First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency, and Sister Kristin M. Yee, Second Counselor in the Relief Society General Presidency, and share instruction during a leadership meeting in the Meganagna Branch in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on February 18, 2025.© 2025 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.In Ethiopia, Sister Yenealem Debebe Hailu, the district Young Women president, was touched by their visit. It was the first time she had ever met General Officers from the Relief Society or Primary. “I was so amazed by the divinity and love they carried in their hearts,” she said. “The message shared by both Sister Yee and Sister Wright was unique and carefully prepared to build and encourage sisters in leadership to become who the Lord wants them to be and to focus on quality instead of numbers. I am grateful to meet these women of God and learn from them in person. Their words and testimony have encouraged me to be the woman [described] in Proverbs 31:10-31.”
Sister Wright’s teachings also encouraged children’s active participation and leadership in Church activities.

Sister Amy A. Wright, First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency, makes hand heart shapes with Primary children in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, on February 22, 2025.© 2025 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Commenting on children’s participation, Sister Kitinga, Dar es Salaam stake Primary president, recalled, “Sister Wright’s teachings have been a great blessing to me. I’ve learned that Primary children should sing songs with actions they suggest themselves, which I believe will increase their participation on Sundays as they love learning through play. Additionally, during Primary sacrament [meeting] presentations and other children’s activities, the children should lead. For instance, she asked me to let the children lead the devotional and prayers, and they managed very well. I have a strong testimony that through Sister Wright’s teachings, the Primary in the Tanzania Dar Es Salaam Stake will produce self-reliant children. This will lead to future Church leaders who are strong spiritually, physically, psychologically and intellectually.”

Sister Amy A. Wright, First Counselor in the Primary General Presidency, instructs Primary teachers in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, on February 22, 2025.© 2025 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved.Reflecting on the message shared, Sister Janeen said, “I loved what Sister Wright talked about the sacred grove. She taught us that the heavens are open, that we know that there’s God the Father and Jesus Christ, and that sometimes the answers to our prayers surprise us. Joseph went into the grove thinking he would find out which church he should join, and he was told not to join any of them. So, when we pray, some of the answers we receive might surprise us too.”