We welcome you to participate in the general conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This global, religious broadcast aims to help individuals strengthen their personal relationships with Jesus Christ to experience the peace, hope, and joy that come through following Him. Join with millions worldwide to hear inspiring messages from living prophets and apostles.
The free conference consists of five sessions happening on Saturday and Sunday, April 2–3, 2022, including a session on Saturday evening for women and young women (including those who turn 12 in 2022).
Saturday, April 2
10:00 a.m. (MDT) morning session
2:00 p.m. afternoon session
6:00 p.m. evening session
Sunday, April 3
10:00 a.m. morning session
2:00 p.m. afternoon session
The global broadcast will originate from the Conference Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Due to parking and accessibility concerns related to the construction on and around Temple Square, seating will be limited to 10,000 people per session. See Event Guidelines and Restrictions.
Tickets will be available through stake presidents in the United States and Canada. A conference session ticket also serves as a ticket to ride any UTA transit option during conference weekend.
Watch or Listen Live
All sessions will be streamed live on the live events page of ChurchofJesusChrist.org. You can also watch and listen on the General Conference YouTube channel, Gospel Library app, and other radio, television, satellite, and digital channels. For a detailed list of live and on-demand viewing options, see Ways to Watch or Listen to General Conference Live.
Watch or Listen Later
Following the broadcast, the messages will be available in text, audio, and video formats on multiple channels for on-demand viewing and studying. These channels include Gospel Library, Gospel Media, the General Conference YouTube channel, a General Conference podcast, and the Church magazines.
Additional Resources
- Learn More about the Church
- Find Other Ways to Watch and Listen
- What Is General Conference?
- Prepare for Conference
- Share General Conference
- Learn about the Speakers
- Conference Activities
- Explore Past General Conferences
- Study General Conference
Language Versions of This Notice
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