features stories from its international Newsroom websites to share what members and leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are doing to better the communities in which they live.
USA, Washington: Faiths Come Together to Help the Homeless
Mormons, Catholics and Seventh-day Adventists put forth their best efforts to load and set up 200 mattresses and bed frames, donated by LDS Charities, into the new Pope Francis Haven House built by Catholic Charities in the Spokane Valley.

The semi-truck of beds arrived the afternoon of July 20, and members of the Catholic Charities maintenance team wanted to get started on what looked like a very big task. Less than an hour later, carloads of volunteers rolled in to unload the truck. Within 30 minutes the semi-truck was unloaded, and in an hour, all the beds were assembled in each bedroom of the housing complex.

Go to Mormon Newsroom for more details of the joint faith project.
United Kingdom: Mormon Story Told in British Pageant
The history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Great Britain and Ireland was presented in a pageant in Chorley, Lancashire, England, in August. Elder M. Russell Ballard of the Church’s Quorum of the Twelve Apostles attended the event along with community and Church leaders.

“When I come here, I’m coming home,” said Elder Ballard. “I love this island. I love these people.” The Mormon apostle has strong ties to the United Kingdom and surrounding countries. Elder Ballard’s family history roots come out of the British Isles, and he served as a young missionary in England from 1948 to 1950.

See a video and find additional information about the pageant on the United Kingdom Mormon Newsroom website.
USA, Michigan: Seek the Sacred, Teens Are Told
Mormon youth between the ages of 12 and 18 usually enjoy a three- to four-day retreat during the summer break with activities centered on a gospel theme. For youth in Ann Arbor, Michigan, the retreat’s theme was “Seeking the Sacred: A Journey to the Tabernacle of Moses.”

The 105 youth and their 30 adult leaders participated in an interactive experience featuring a life-size replica of the tabernacle of Moses, where youth served as guides at the displays as well as parking attendants. While in period clothing, they interacted with members of the community who attended and provided commentary on their characters.

Read more about the youth event on Mormon Newsroom.
Pacific: 700 Tahiti Teens Serve Their Community
Several hundred Mormon young people on the South Pacific island of Papara, Tahiti, performed service, embarked on learning experiences about the gospel of Jesus Christ and socialized with other teens ages 14 to 18.

The young people cleaned bathrooms, offices and classrooms and did a lot of painting at the S.O.S. Children’s Village. The organization provides care, education and health services for at-risk children and families. They also follow guidelines in a Church brochure entitled “For the Strength of Youth.” The information helps them to strengthen their faith now so they’re prepared for the future.

Go to the Pacific Mormon Newsroom website to read more about what the youth learned.
Portugal: Latter-day Saints Get Food to Fire Victims
Mormon Helping Hands volunteers, through LDS Charities, organized donations of food, water, clothing and wheelchairs to victims of the recent fires in Big Pedrogon.

The initiative to assist people spread rapidly across the country, involving dozens of Mormon congregations and volunteers. The Church's women’s organization, the Relief Society, took the lead in the effort, coordinating collections and preparing for deliveries.
Read more about the Church’s response on the Portugal Mormon Newsroom website (Portuguese).
Philippines: LDS Charities Helps People Recover From Major Earthquake
More than 16,000 people on the Island of Leyte were jolted by a 6.5-magnitude earthquake in early July. LDS Charities, through a partnership with local government units of Kanang and Ormoc City, distributed 1,000 hygiene and sleeping kits as well as 1,000 tarpaulin kits.

The earthquake affected water and electricity; aftershocks were felt for two more weeks. Mormon missionaries and members of the Church helped as well.

Go to the Philippines Mormon Newsroom website for additional information and comments.
Nigeria: Clean Water Brought to Community of 5,000
Nigerians celebrated as the first public water borehole was complete in Amaeke Item Community in Bende Local Government Area of Abia State. LDS Charities of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints commissioned the borehole to be dug.
The borehole and distribution points were designed to provide clean, safe water to benefit more than 5,000 people living near Amaeke Item.
Read the local leaders’ comments on the Nigeria Mormon Newsroom website.