features stories from its international Newsroom websites to share what members and leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints around the world are doing to better the communities in which they live.
Ecuador: Church Donates Ophthalmological Equipment
A ceremony was held at the Luis Vernaza Hospital, to acknowledge a donation of ophthalmological equipment by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The donation was given to the Guayaquil Charity Board.

In additional to the equipment, Mormon doctor John Lewis, trained the hospital ophthalmological medical staff and performed free ophthalmological operations.
Read more about the donation on the Ecuador Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish).
Australia: Perth Homeless Outfitted with Winter Supplies
Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Perth, Australia, worked from May to July collecting warm clothing, blankets, pillows and personal items for the homeless. They coordinated the effort with Street Friends, a community volunteer organization.

Latter-day Saint Michelle Dunlop founded Street Friends because of the numbers of homeless families she saw. Dunlop was overwhelmed with the Church’s response. “What a difference this will make to so many lives living such a hard life on the streets,” she said.

The Australia Mormon Newsroom website has additional details.
Ghana: Paramount Chief Requests Meeting with Church Leaders
The Paramount chief of Manya Krobo Traditional Area requested a meeting with leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints at the chief’s palace in Krobo Odumase, Ghana recently. “Each morning as I take my walk, I see signs for your churches. I see your missionaries walking our streets,” commented the Paramount chief. “Your members go about doing good in our communities. It makes me wonder why we have never met.”
Elder Marcus B. Nash of the Seventy and local leaders of the Church took the opportunity to explain Mormon beliefs and give the Paramount chief a gift.
Read more about their visit on the Ghana Mormon Newsroom website.
Dominican Republic: Physical Challenge Doesn’t Stop Successful Swimmer
Mormon Paralympic swimmer, Alejandra Aybar from the Dominican Republic, has not allowed a physical imperfection to stop her from learning how to swim and compete on an international level.

“Just going to bed and getting up with the strength to walk, are enough to be a great day in my life,” said Aybar, who is also an industrial engineer. She credits her belief in the gospel of Jesus Christ and her membership in the Church.

Read more about this amazing young woman on the Dominican Republic Mormon Newsroom website (Spanish).
Pacifique: Beach Clean-up Engages Mormons from Many Congregations
Acting on a desire to serve just as Jesus Christ taught, local Latter-day Saints brought their tools and gloves to clean Orofara Beach in the Commune of Mahina.
Orofara is a black sandy beach and a popular spot for sunbathers and surfers. Mormons in the area take pride in keeping the beach clean for all beachgoers.
Go to the Pacifique Mormon Newsroom website (French).
Canada: Building Trusting Relationships
A Latter-day Saints in Langley, British Columbia, gathered recently in a meetinghouse for lectures, food, cultural music and dancing. The event sought to inform the community on matters pertaining to Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC).

“These kinds of events are important for the community to help build relationships of trust between all peoples,” said Langley City Councilor Rudy Storteboom. After the lectures, more than one hundred attendees joined a “friendship circle” and danced along with the performers at the evening cultural event.

Go to the Canada Mormon Newsroom website for additional insights.